Saturday, January 31, 2009

okay, okay

so the post I thought I wrote on Friday was actually written on Saturday morning -- that's what happens when you stay up too late. so far let's check on how I've done in my list yesterday...

+ haven't thought about Monday at all - or how soon it will get here
+ Went to see Taken -- it was really good
+ walked 4 miles
+ bought lots of groceries
+ made chicken barbeque


So happy it's Friday. Here is today's list:

1 - don't think about how soon Monday will be here
2 - get fabric for new quilt
3 - work on knitted blanket
4 - go to the movies
5 - walk 8 miles
6 - read 44 Scotland Street
7 - grocery shopping - buy something fun!
8 - clean the bathroom
9 - vacuum
10 - find 10 fun things to write about tomorrow
11 - talk to both of my sisters
12 - call my daughter in Chico
13 - send a bread recipe to Margie
14 - watch the super bowl
15 - make chicken barbeque
16 - take 10 fun pictures
17 - snuggle
18 - find the Harry Potter books in my attic
19 - go to a yard sale

wow. when I try I can come up with a list. Maybe I can do the 25 random things list next ...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Three for Thursday

I'm working on my 25 random things .. I have about 8 so far .. I have the 52 like katie (haven't even begun that) .. and then there's three for Thursday.

I watched three American Idols this week.
I have three cats.
I've lived in three states.
I have three sons.
There are three couches in my living room.

Well thats five threes ...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today I am thankful for good friends and a heating blanket. It's not so cold here, but it sure is nice to be all warm. and friends are always wonderful.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


More and more people it seems are joining facebook. I just found several friends from high school and one of my best friends too. The only problem is they don't seem to want to communicate - at least not with me. Also, they don't put pictures up. I guess they worry about losing their identities and whatnot. I would really love to see some pics but I guess people are more private than me or more paranoid. Of course, I wish my pictures looked better - but I can't worry too much about that.

I need three day weekends every week. Saturday is my day to crash and then it takes me a couple of days to recuperate and start doing the things I need to do - cleaning laundry, etc. There's one in February but I need one NOW!! I may take a day off soon, just to have one of them.

Kelster ..

The farm -- a reflection on a cold winter day. December 27, 2008.

Santa Claus... at Andrew's house. Hanging from the light or perhaps the ceiling.

Monday, January 19, 2009

pre inauguration post

this has absolutely nothing to do with the inauguration, except that tomorrow is inauguration day ..

I realize I haven't been posting much lately, but that's because I don't want the tone of what I write to be too depressing. I'm just feeling a little overwhelmed.

okay, well maybe I'll touch on tomorrow -- I hope that all the hype is a foreshadowing of good things to come. I'm tired of all the crap we hear and maybe there will be more positive things reported on --

I'm also trying to avoid being political. I hear enough of that.

Grandma's cataract surgery is on Wednesday. We'll find out the time tomorrow and then I'll be able to make plans for work.

That stresses me out too. So, I'll stop now ...

oh, I still haven't come up with my 52 or even my dozen...

Sunday, January 11, 2009


This is what $16,000 of damage looks like.
I backed into this LOTUS in the garage at work -- damage to my car was under $50.


sometimes things are just too hard to share, with anyone.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

Finally getting a little time to post -- just got home last night. Have tons of cleaning to do - laundry (don't know how I could have it when I did laundry all the while on vacation).

Katie has a list of 52 things she wants to do this year .. sounds like a good idea, similar to the bucket list. I'm going to see if I can come up with 52 things too! Thanks Katie!!

Things I've Been Up To

So today I worked on the Grinch quilt.  If I do a little everyday, I might actually finish it this year. Here it is all bunched up by my sew...