Friday, September 30, 2011

Favorite Things Friday

My favorite thing this week is Ritz crackers.  (Hope I didn't pick them as a favorite before...)  I have been eating them for breakfast lunch and dinner lately ..

It was actually a toss up between these and the Godfather .. but these are so yummy and I was falling asleep during the Godfather ..

To see other people's favorites, check out Quilting In My Pyjamas, or better yet, link up and share yours.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

15 minute challenge - Sept 20

Not a lot of crafting going on here at my house, but I did have some time to work on some blocks for Out of Time.

I only got two days in of actual sewing, but I did go to JoAnn's and get some white fabric so I could make more blocks.

So another week of only two days.  I am loving the blocks.

Check out how everyone else did on the 15-minute challenge here.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

15 Minute Challenge - 9/13/11

I think I may have spent three days sewing this week.  I started working on what I'm calling, "out of time", which is a quilt made using this pattern from Cluck Cluck Sew. 

Monday - nothing
Tuesday - nada
Wednesday - zero
Thursday - zilch
Friday - aught
Saturday - four out of time blocks
Sunday - zip
Monday - six out of time blocks

soooo maybe it's just 2 out of 7 .. I can't remember doing anything else, so I probably didn't .. maybe next week will be better.

To see how other people did on the 15-minute challenge, check out Life in Pieces..

Friday, September 9, 2011

Favorite Things Friday (FTF)

So my favorite this week is getting up early.  Don't get me wrong, I would rather sleep in, but when I don't I wonder why I ever want to sleep in.  You can get so much more done if you get an early start .. traffic is lighter .. the lines at the grocery store (starbucks) are shorter .. and you can see sunrises.

If you'd like to post one of your favorites or if you just want to see what other people have as favorites, go over to Quilting in My Pyjamas and check things out.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Penguin Adventure

My sister retired this year and one of the things she wanted to do this year with her daughter was have a penguin adventure each month.  This isn't really one of her adventures, but it is a penguin thing ..

This is a pattern my mother's friend Mary had made the summer of 2010.  I told her I liked it and she sent it to me!  I had been looking for an excuse to make a bag when I ran across some penguin fabric and decided to make one for my sister.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

15 minute challenge - Sept 6

I haven't been keeping track the last few weeks but my sewing area has been in hiding.  I finished the spiderman quilt and then I worked on a gift for my sister.  She received it today, so I am able to post pictures now.

8/30 - knitting
8/31 - worked on penguin bag
9/1 - nada
9/2 - finished penguin bag
9/3 - knitted
9/4 - knitted
9/5 - nothing
9/6 - knitting

To join Kate's 15 minute challenge, and see what others have been up to, click here.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Things I saw on the road

Just some pictures of some things from our vacation ..

And interesting variegated leaf .. I'm sure someone knows what kind of plant, just not me..

Paul in front of some big metal things ..

Guess what this is ...

It's hard to tell, but that is a bear .. it was directly in front of us on the road but I couldn't find my camera quickly enough to get a good picture so I have these lousy ones.  But it's just to prove that we really did see a bear.

Favorite Things Friday

Today's favorite is not so much a favorite as something I like .. to see other people's favorites check out Quilting in My Pyjamas or link up and share one of your own.

Anyway, my favorite today is pretzels.  They are the best snack.  They are almost healthy and if you add something else they can be divine ..

yogurt covered pretzels (image from here)

chocolate covered pretzels (image from here)

honey mustard flavored pretzels (image from here)

big ones (image from here)

little ones (image from here)

Things I've Been Up To

So today I worked on the Grinch quilt.  If I do a little everyday, I might actually finish it this year. Here it is all bunched up by my sew...