Monday, December 16, 2013

Coffee Time

I took a day off work last week to get ready for the office holiday party on Friday.  One of my stops was a candy store in downtown San Jose, Shurra's (their website doesn't do them justic -- excellent candies).  It just happens that Shurra's is right next door to where a friend of mine works so she and I met up for coffee at a cute little coffee shop, Hannah's.  My coffee was divine and so very pretty.  Couldn't resist posting a picture.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Slacker ...

slack·er  (slkr)n.
1. One who shirks work or responsibility: "In terms of their outlook on the future, slackers regard tomorrow with a studied cynicism or . . . don't even conceive of one" (Julie Caniglia).
So, I've definitely been a Blog Slacker or a Slacker Blogger of late.  There hasn't been much going on and when there was I didn't blog about it.  Here are some pictures of the last week +.
Mikey's First School Performance

and then there was Cocktail Wednesday ... the best one so far.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a great picture of the drinks, but they were beautiful.  The mint, lime, and frozen cranberries made them super festive.  We will definitely have these again.  Check out Mrs. Pyjamas and Little Miss Sunshine's posts for their review of the same cocktail.

Hopefully, this week I will stay on top of things a little more. 


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Cocktail Wednesday

so, this week it was my turn to pick the cocktail.  Since last week's was so summery, I thought I would go for something more cold weather-ish (we're actually getting down to the 30s tonight in Northern California), so I picked a coffee cocktail. called The Bacon Maple Syrup.  

I thought -- how could you go wrong with something with that name. boy was I wrong.  This one was so bad I couldn't even finish mine.

Here's the picture of what it was supposed to look like.

The Bacon Maple Syrup Coffee Cocktail by Tyler Voelker, Urban Farmer 

That looks pretty good, right?

Here's what mine looked like.

Not nearly so pretty.
  • 1.5oz of rum 
  • 1oz of Calisaya liqueur (couldn't find this so I used Angostura Bitter)
  • .75oz of maple syrup 
  • coffee
  • frothed milk
  • garnished with a cured bacon skewer
I mixed the alcohol and syrup and then added the coffee and frothed milk (actually just heated milk since I don't have a frother).  I thought perhaps that if I had used fresh coffee and genuinely frothed milk it would have tasted better, but Marg assured me that it was still disgusting.

I'm not sure they'll let me pick another cocktail .. but if given another chance, I'm going for something more basic and one that I'm sure to like.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Elephants on Parade

I finished the pink elephant quilt.  Now I just need to wash it and ship it off.

I like the way this has come together. It's a lot of pink, which I hope is okay.  I love the back too.  I used scraps, but I hope it looks planned and not too scrappy.

2025 Pics - January 12 thru 31

January 12 Jan. 13 - gotta love Snapxhat Jan 16 - hidden key Jan 17 - lunch with the kiddos Jan 17 - the deck Jan 18   Jan 19 - measuring up...