Saturday, December 27, 2014

Week 50: December 13-19

Saturday .. no picture

Sunday - cinnamon bread

Monday - wrapped up for gifts

 Tuesday - in full bloom

 Wednesday - the nutcracker

 Thursday - driving to work

Friday - Christmas place setting

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Week 49: Dec. 6-12

 Saturday - kitten at PetSmart
(looks just like a cat we used to have)

Sunday - more sewing


 Tuesday - hanging out at Grandma's office

 Wednesday - no boot!!



Sunday, December 7, 2014

Week 48: Nov. 28 - Dec 5

Saturday - day after Black Friday sales

Sunday - the boys' handiwork

Monday - oops!


Wednesday - sewing started ...



Tuesday, December 2, 2014

End of November - 15 minutes to Stitch

I don't know how many days I spent sewing in November; however, I was able to finish a quilt, so even though I didn't spend time each day, I spent a lot of time sewing -- I also spent some time shopping and thinking about sewing, which may have added a few extra days in there.

I have some sewing plans for December.

1) finish the Grinch quilt*; 

2) no-sew blankets for the grandsons**; 

 3) sewing kits for my daughters/DILs; 
(from here using these fabrics, purchased there as well)

 4) capes for my grandsons (image from here)

I will definitely have to have some regular sewing time to get these few things done ...

I'm linking up with Kate at Life In Pieces and with her encouragement, I might just reach my goals!

*if the Grinch quilt it finished, it will be my ninth finish this year!

**a no-sew blanket isn't actually sewing, now is it.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Week 47: November 22 - 28

 Saturday - my Christmas stocking

 Sunday - giraffe in progress
 Monday - scoping out fabrics

 Tuesday - Christmas cactus blooming

 Wednesday - shopping and scoping and a Night Before Christmas gift bag (that I didn't buy)

Thursday's feast -- after everyone but me had gone through the line

Black Friday shopping (or rather standing in line)...

Friday, November 28, 2014

Gingham Giraffe

My DIL's brother had a baby about two months ago and I've been wanting to make him a quilt.  We had invited them over for Thanksgiving so I had a hard, fast deadline for the quilt. I spent a good part of Wednesday quilting and binding so it was ready for Thursday a.m.

I quilted around the giraffe (duh) and then did random straight lines through the rest of the quilt.

The blocks were not perfectly lined up (which is an understatement), but I think the random lines helped cover that up.  Overall, I am really happy with it.  I was really upset with myself for not re-doing the blocks and making sure they were all lined up ..

The backing was a flannel I had in my stash and I think it worked really well.

Another finish!! (The eighth one this year -- not sure I'll get nine done, but if I push through the Grinch quilt, I might make it.  (#9 on my list)).

Turkey Trot 2014

So for the second year, we participated in the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning.  I'm hoping to make it a family tradition but so far only two of my kids have participated and my YD wasn't able to this year because of her broken leg.  It's a 5K, or a 10K if you prefer, and you can either walk it or run it.  The kids ran, hubby and I walked.


Here's a picture from last year ...

A crowd shot, just before we began.  I think about 26,000 people participated.  It's a fun time.  Now I need to get the rest of the family involved ...

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Week 46: Nov. 15-21

 Saturday ..

 Sunday - quilt for Uncle Dan's baby

Monday - Christmas gifts to be made

Tuesday ...

 Wednesday - Christmas cactus beginning to bloom

 Thursday - the drive home


Monday, November 17, 2014

15 Minutes to Stitch - Mid-Month Report

My sewing has been sporadic at best lately, but I'm hoping to shoot for 15 minutes a day or close to it for the next month.  I have a couple of projects that I need to work on but I'm discouraged by them and have stayed away from the sewing machine.  The first is this quilt ...

I made the first and third rows and was jazzed but when I added the second row, nothing lined up.  I measured correctly but they just didn't line up -- probably differing quality of fabrics.  So I put it down and did nothing for a few weeks.  I finally decided this past week to take the rows apart and sew them as blocks so I could adjust the size as I went along. The first night, I got the fabric out and looked at it and then put it away without doing anything. Then on Saturday, I finally did something.

I've done about twice this amount .. want to try and finish it by Thanksgiving.  We'll just have to see how that goes.

The other project is the Grinch quilt.  I really need to face my fears on that one.

I'm linking up with Kate at Life In Pieces to keep me accountable.

2025 Pics - January 12 thru 31

January 12 Jan. 13 - gotta love Snapxhat Jan 16 - hidden key Jan 17 - lunch with the kiddos Jan 17 - the deck Jan 18   Jan 19 - measuring up...