Friday, November 26, 2010

Somehow ...

... I didn't realize today was November 26th -- Happy Birthday Anna!  Happy Birthday Ila!

... I made it through the past twelve days.

... we had a great Thanksgiving dinner.

I have judged people wrongly yet again.  I was wondering how a blogger could go for weeks at a time without posting something. And now I am struggling to get even a few words down.  Forgive me for judging you (of course, "you" don't know who "you" are).

Hopefully, things will get better and I'll post a few more times and get things on a more positive note.  and so life goes on.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday, at last

The week is finally over.  Am ready for a long weekend .. tomorrow is a day with the boys.

I am planning on going to the Apple store and taking them with me.  We'll see how that goes.  Should be entertaining.

I had planned to take Monday off but now am re-thinking the day off.  There's stuff we need to get done with the house so I'll probably stay home -- maybe go in tomorrow or Sunday and get the items checked off the "to do" list. maybe. maybe not.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Home Improvements

Here are a couple of pictures of the kitchen without the cabinets

 Well, not really the kitchen.  This was in the morning before we got started .. Michael came over with the kids and plopped Andrew down in bed with Grandpa!! What cuties!

Mark and Kelly in the kitchen -- with dinner.  (Kelly didn't want her picture taken so we just get the back of her neck.)

Fear the beard and note the refrigerator without magnets or anything on top.

 Taping on the wall of the family room - getting the baseboards painted.

Here's another shot of the family room.

 Paul's office .. with just about everything in it.

 And another shot of Paul's office ...

My former sewing area .. ;-(

 The dining room .. no dinner here.

And here's my next quilting project.  Don't know why I didn't take these out of the bag .. I will get started on it as soon as the house settles down some.  I need to have things together so I can start pulling my sewing machine out and getting to work.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Tonight Daylight Saving Time ends, and we get to "fall" back.  I get an extra hour of sleep, yay!

We took the doors to the kitchen cabinets off today, sanded them, painted them (actually Mark and Michael did that).  We then emptied all the cupboards and put stuff in boxes and in the dining room and the husband's office (that I helped with).  And then the kids painted the trim in the kitchen.  It is a much lighter color and looks really nice.  I, as usual, forgot to take pictures.  Hopefully I'll remember to take pics tomorrow and will post them then.   

We were supposed to have a family birthday dinner for the husband tonight, but because everything is in disarray, we decided to postpone it (and had KFC instead).  I don't know if we'll do it next weekend or not -- I was planning on having some friends over next weekend.  Oh, too much to do, so little time.

Oh, I also packed up my sewing area and put it in the closet.  I know where everything is and will be able to pull out what I need to work.  And another thing, I got a package in the mail which I'll definitely show tomorrow.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Another finish

Here are pictures of the wristlet I made.  Here's a link to the tutorial.

I came home today and the first thing I saw was a list of things that have to be done to our house to get it ready to sell .. and the first thing I saw on the list was "remove sewing stuff".  OH NO!!! But when the husband got home, he told me that he had figured a way for me put the sewing machine and table in the closet in my room!  Yay!  I can still sew -- no excuses now.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cats and other stuff

So earlier this evening, I was stumbling (you should try it some time) and came upon directions for bathing a cat, something I hope I never have to do.  (The devil cat does shower with me regularly, but he's just trying to get a drink of water.)  Anyway, here is my favorite line from this tutorial, on this election day:  "A berserk cat can shred a three-ply rubber shower curtain quicker than a politician can shift positions."  The husband was not amused but I think he is typing something far more important than this.

Here is a picture of the first two blocks for the next quilt I'm making.  It'll be for one of the attorneys at my office.

I am actually excited about making it.  I'm just taking my time getting started.  At least I have decided on the pattern.

There is some really cute fabric that I want to buy.  There is the Cat in the Hat line, which just came out.  There are some great stripes as well as the character prints.  Also, there is some fabric with little elephants that I think is great - pink on ivory, ivory on pink, blue on ivory, ivory on blue, etc.  I just have to justify the purchase.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Today's prompt for NaBloPoMo: how would your life change if you didn't have rent or a mortgage to pay, i.e., if your housing was free? Too funny!

Seems like I need to have an attitude adjustment.  :)

Now, with a slight attitude adjustment ... my life wouldn't change so much as I would be less worried about paying the bills ...

2024 : Week 28 : July 8 - July 14

July 9 July 10 July 12 July 13  They've got some big buns in SC June 14 My OGS (oldest grandson) turns 16!!  He's the one on the far...