Sunday, January 29, 2012

The List Update - Week 4

I didn't do an update last week.  I didn't get much done and I was just slacking.  

The nominees for best picture this year are:  1) War Horse, 2) The Artist, 3) Midnight in Paris, 4) Moneyball, 5) The Descendants, 6) The Tree of Life, 7) The Help, 8) Hugo, and 9) Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.  Is this more than usual?  
Anyway, we went to see The Descendants this weekend.  I am glad I saw it, and I liked it, but I can't say that I enjoyed it.  It was really quite sad and depressing.  I did think George Clooney did a great job.
I also finished my first quilt of the year -- I think that was last week, but I did finish one, so only 8 more to go.
So link up and let me know how you're doing on your list ..

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Favorite Things Friday

My favorite thing this week is my bed.  When I come home from work, it usually looks like this.

not a happy place.  
But when I get my act together and actually make my bed, it just makes me so happy. 

It is even devil cat approved.  

To see what other people have as favorites, or to link up and share your favorite, check out QIMP.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - Week 4 - 2012

Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - Cut strips for "it's a jungle out there"
Thursday - made one nine patch, one disappearing nine patch
Friday - nothing
Saturday - nothing
Sunday - nothing
Monday - nothing

Oops, I forgot that I bought one yard of fabric at Ikea on Saturday .. it was on sale for $1.99/yd so I couldn't pass it up -- when Katie is next here we'll go there and check the fabrics out because I think they might work with some of my mom's fabrics.  The fabric I bought is black and white (they had the same pattern but white and black that wasn't on sale that I almost accidentally bought too) -- I want to make a black and white quilt sometime, so I'm trying to stock up on fabrics.  Probably don't need a yard of each though.

I got some good name suggestions for the giraffe quilt .. disappearing giraffes, peek-a-boo giraffes, dot's giraffe, seeing spots, target practice.

Anyway, check out Life in Pieces 15 minute challenge to see how everyone else did this week on the challenge and to link up yourself.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Favorite Things Friday

I am, once again, linking up with Shay at Quilting In My Pyjamas for Favourite Things Friday.  Hop or click on over here to see some wonderful favorites.  Every week I look forward to Friday .. for many reasons -- I see other people's favorites, I put a favorite of mine down on "paper", it's the beginning of the weekend, to name a few.

My favorite this week is quilting. I made my first quilt about ten years ago when a friend of mine had a baby.

This is what it looks like.  Apparently it's still together.  Then I didn't do any more quilting until my first grandson was born.  I wanted to make him a quilt, so I my friends, Amanda and Jane, helped me make this quilt.

I think that before I made Mikey's quilt, I bought a cutting pad, ruler, and rotary cutter.  Then, I decided I wanted to make one for my bed (this was an item on my bucket list), so the next quilt I made was for my bed.  and I've made a few more since then.  Mostly baby quilts and lap quilts.  I've also made a second quilt for my bed.

I love the cutting and the piecing, even though I can't seem to get everything exact.  I need to work on being more precise.  I love when the squares come together and make the pattern.  I enjoy the quilting part.  I am not very patient so I get anxious to get it finished and don't do it as carefully as I should.  But with the last few I've done, I've been quite pleased.  And I enjoy hand sewing the binding.  The only thing I struggle with is colors.  I have the hardest time with that.  Colors, getting the right amount of fabric, deciding on the pattern -- those are the things I struggle with.

Anyway, here is a nine patch for my newest quilt ..

And that will become a disappearing nine patch ..

I think this will look pretty good.  I may do some of the blocks with pink instead of white .. what do you think?  I also need a name for the quilt, any ideas?

That's it.  That's my favorite.  Quilting.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - Week 3 - 2012

I'm linking up again this week for the 15 minute challenge with Kate at Life in Pieces.

Here's how this week went ...

Tuesday - quilted baby quilt
Wednesday - quilted baby quilt
Thursday - nothing
Friday - nada
Saturday - quilted baby quilt
Sunday - zilch
Monday - finished quilting baby girl quilt

Though I only sewed on 4 out of 7 of the days, I did get some stuff done. I finished the baby quilt I was working on; organized my so-called stash; and I bought some fabric for my next quilt (for a baby girl).

Here's the new fabric.  I think I'm going to do the "disappearing nine patch" - (from Cluck Cluck Sew).

the fabrics for the quilt

the backing

And some fabric for my stash.

Here are some pics of the finished quilt, before I send it off.

Monday, January 16, 2012

2012 First Finish ..

 Here's my first finish for 2012.

I'll take more pictures tomorrow after I label and wash it.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The List Update - Week 2

I don't feel like I got that much done this week.  I worked on the baby quilt and I've just about finished it .. just need to add the binding.

I guess I put some pretty easy things on my list because I actually did three this weekend.  I think I should probably do both #30 (skype with OD) and #41 (thrifting) each month.  I'll mark them off the list but I'm not sure they really count.

I also re-organized my "stash" (#48).  I put stash in quotes because I don't really have that much fabric.  When I went through it, I realized most of the fabric I have is just little bits and pieces.  I think my stash is pretty small, as stashes go.  something I need to work on this year .. :).

Friday, January 13, 2012

Favorite Things Friday

It's Friday so that means it's time to link up with Shay at QIMP for Favorite Things Friday.  I have a list of favorites today.

Cute fonts like this one (probably doesn't show up so well on the blog though)
Reusable cups with straws, like this one I'm using right now.

Using the last of the staples (happened today - how very exciting!)

Hot tea with lemon (and sugar)

Pizza (especially with cispy, oily, crust - like from Pizza Hut)

Three-day weekends (hooray!!)

Monopoly fabric (I saw some on a blog yesterday .. I really need to get some)

My Kindle Fire (I don't know how to use it totally, but I've already read three books on it and played a bazillion levels of Angry Birds.)

Books made into movies -- tell me, is it better to see the movie before or after reading the book.  I just read/saw Water for Elephants and think I should have seen the movie first, because I was just a little disappointed.

a clean desk (mine isn't that way, yet, but next week it will be)

reaching goals

saying I'm going to do something and then doing it

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - Week 2 - 2012

Tuesday - nada
Wednesday - worked on cowl
Thursday - zilch
Friday - quilted baby girl quilt
Saturday - quilted baby girl quilt
Sunday - nothing
Monday - quilted baby girl quilt

I'm making good progress on the baby girl quilt.  My co-worker had a girl so I need to finish this and get it sent off to her.  My son's friend, my friend's son, is also having a girl so I really need to get this one finished so I can start, and finish, the next one.

Decent week.  I think I'll work on some organization this week because I don't really know what I have (not that I have so much but organization is always good).  I have some fabrics that I need to cut (from clothes no longer worn).  I may also spend some time planning the other quilts I want to make this year.  A few of them (maybe 3) should be for my siblings, using some of my mother's fabrics.  Also my niece and I were going to make a quilt for a cousin, who has been particularly helpful these past few years, with some different fabrics from my mom -- so that needs to be planned out as well.

Anyway, check in at Life in Pieces to see how others have done this week on the challenge.

Monday, January 9, 2012

The List - Week 1 - Update

I had intended to post this yesterday, but it just wasn't going to happen.  Anyway, here's my update for the past week.

#16 - I finished reading one book, "The One You Love" by Paul Pilkington.  It was a suspense novel with a few new twists and turns.  I enjoyed it.

#19 - am working on one of the quilts for the 9 quilts this year

#21 - I bought some Christmas plates (6), napkins (2), and gift tags (2) for under $1 each.  So that's 10 items so far.  Is that cheating do you think? to buy a bunch at one time?

So that's my update for this week. If you'd like to update too, please do.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Favorite Things Friday

My favorite this week is when all the Christmas gift wrap, ornaments, and even Christmas fabrics go on sale.  I bought some really cool gift tags, and some napkins and paper plates, each for under $1.

Before Christmas, I bought some Christmas fabric for 50% off.  I was going to use it to make the rest of the stockings for my family, but I ran out of time/steam and didn't get all the stockings made.  I did use the "bah humbug" fabric for the lining of one of the stockings I made!

To see what other's favorites, check out Quilting in My Pyjamas!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

oops .. it's Thursday already...

photo by the "budding photographer".

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - Week 1, 2012

I haven't really gotten back in the swing of sewing every day, but am hoping to soon.  I just need to stop playing games.

Tues, 12/27 - nada
Weds, 12/28 - bought yarn for cowls
Thurs, 12/29 - started 1st cowl
Fri, 12/30 - nada
Sat, 12/31 - nada
Sun, 1/1 - knitted
Mon, 1/2 - basted coin quilt

So, sort of 4 out of 7, but it doesn't feel like that.  Feels like I wasted every day but yesterday when I basted the quilt -- I'll start quilting it soon.  maybe tomorrow.  we'll see.

To see how others are doing with their challenge, check out the 15 Minute Challenge at Life in Pieces, here.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Quilts Completed in 2011

Here's a collage of the quilts I completed in 2011.

They are: Noah's Ark, The Prom Quilt, Purple Pinwheels, Pure Links, the Other Pinwheel Sampler, Shades of Purple, Spiderman, and Rocket Man.

I did make a few other things this year, stockings, cushion covers, and a penguin bag.  oh, we also made a cat tree.

Here's to a quilty 2012!

The List (52 things to do in 2012)

Here is my list for 52 things to do in 2012.  If you'd like to make a list and keep me and others updated on your progress, please feel free to link up.  I plan to check in weekly and provide a link so that you can check in as well.  Hopefully the link at the bottom will work.

If you can't come up with 52 things (I'm struggling),  feel free to come up with a different number and link up anyway.

I'm hoping that having others join me will give me the encouragement (push) I need to get more done than last year.  (I think I completed 19 out of the 52  (36% -- that would be great in baseball, not so much in the rest of the world but I'll try and do better this year).)

1. Get my passport
2. Go to Oregon
3. Visit a National Park (that I've never visited before)
4. Finish making Christmas stockings (four more)
5. try applique - done (sort of) - see picture of appliqued numbers on sweat shirt
6. take a quilting class
7. watch all movies nominated for best picture oscar : 1) War Horse, 2) The Artist, 3) Midnight in Paris, 4) Moneyball, 5) The Descendants, 6) The Tree of Life, 7) The Help, 8) Hugo, and 9) Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
8. Two weekend get aways with my husband (only one -- NY)
9. Make at least one thing for each of my children (and any significant others) and grandchildren (OS (finished ornament), MS (finished ornament), OD - pencil pouch, YS - Raiders Quilt, YD (duvet cover (not yet finished), DIL, Mikey (crayon roll), Andrew (crayon roll), Cooper (quilt & stocking)
10.  rearrange my bedroom - DONE January 2013
11. add another book to my Tintin collection (got five new books for my birthday -- I bought them myself but it still counts) - DONE

12. add another book to my Judy Bolton collection
13.  make Apple Galette

14. take a bike ride
15. make curtains for my bedroom

16. read 6 books - The One You Love, Caravans (James Michener), The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay, What the Dead Know (Laura Lippman)(DONE)
I read a lot more than six books this year, including re-reading the Harry Potter books.  Good year for that.

17. Plant flowers in the front of the house (DONE 6/3/12)
18. blog more than in 2011 (DONE by 10/30/12)

19. make 9 quilts (I made 8 in 2011) 1) Coin Baby Quilt, 2) Disappearing Giraffes3) Sara's Bird Quilt, 4) Raiders Quilt, 5) Cute Animal Prints Girl Quilt
6) The Liberty Quilt, 7) Jeans Quilt, 8) Cooper's quilt, -- CAME CLOSE BUT ONLY DID 8 AGAIN THIS YEAR.
20. Use more fabric than I buy (stash report?) (bought more fabric than I used)OOPS.
21.  buy 52 - $1 items: plates (6), Napkins (2), gift tags (2), books (1) and clips (1), pattern, pencil pouches (3), Canning Jar (1), baby toys (2), Mouse Trap (1), Madeline in London, US map puzzle, yo-yo for boys stockings (2), -- running total 23 (12/26) (I HAD INTENDED TO GO OUT AFTER CHRISTMAS TO DO SOME SHOPPING, BUT NEVER MADE IT) -- I forgot I bought two pair of jeans for $1 each (one went into my denim quilt - so that makes 25 for the year).
22.  go to a new restaurant (DONE - went to Pho Vi Hoa with YD in April)
23.  go to the flea market (DONE - went on the first Saturday in April)
24. Go to a baseball game
25. Swim in the Ocean
26. Visit the Grand Canyon
27. Make fresh french fries

28. Spend an entire day in my pajamas (pyjamas)
29. Participate in NaBloPoMo - Done (missed three days I think) - DONE

30. Skype with OD - Done
31. Get pedicure with DIL, OD, YD, or KJ (DONE Memorial Day Weekend)
32. Do something different with my hair (either color or cut or ...)
33. See both of my sisters (only saw one :()
34. Spend time with my MIL

35. Visit I and W
36. do a quilt along
37. try a new ethnic food
38. make jerky
39. make ice cream
40. restyle something
41. go thrifting - DONE
42. Watch an NCIS marathon (DONE - 4th of July)
43. Use Gma's fabrics in a quilt (DONE - Sara's Bird Quilt)
44. Take a family picture  - Done - 2013

45. grow something to eat
46. run once a week (OKAY, THIS IS  BUST .. :()
47. rearrange/reconfigure my closet - done (but it needs to be done again)
48. organize my "stash" - DONE

49. karaoke (I really don't want to do this, but thought since I didn't do it last year, I should put it back on my list)
50. Wear boots or six-inch heels - DONE
51. Send Christmas cards
52.  Make a new list for 2013

2025 Pics - January 12 thru 31

January 12 Jan. 13 - gotta love Snapxhat Jan 16 - hidden key Jan 17 - lunch with the kiddos Jan 17 - the deck Jan 18   Jan 19 - measuring up...