Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Week 38 : Sept 17 - 23

 Sept 19 - Adipose marshmallows

 Sept 20 - Captain Adorable #2

Sept 23 - Another sunset

Week 37 : Sept 10 - 16

Sept 11 - last day at my old digs

Sept 13 - sunset

Sept 14 - outside my new office window

Sept 16 - sick grandson

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Closing time ..

This past Friday was my last day at the job I've had for the last ten years.  It was a good ten years  I learned a lot, made some new friends (Nevada for one), but it's time to move on.

The attorney I've worked with for the past 23 years has moved to a new firm and on Monday I start at his new firm. I'm looking forward to it.

 Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end... (Closing Time by Semisonic).

Cocktail Wednesday - Peach Blow Fizz

This week's cocktail was a Peach Blow Fizz.  Recipe from here.

  • 1 oz light cream
  • 1/2 tsp powdered sugar
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • carbonated water
  • 1/4 peach
  • 2 oz gin
The recipe called for putting the ingredients in a shaker and pouring it over ice and adding the carbonated water. 

The peaches I had were so hard that we decided to throw everything in a blender instead.  I quadrupled the recipe and added crushed iced, then poured it over more ice and added the carbonated water.

I didn't think the drink was peach tasting  enough -- probably because the peaches weren't quite ripe or perhaps they weren't tasty enough -- so anyway, we added peach schnapps. (about 1 oz).  

It was very good and refreshing.  Not sure I'd make it again.  However, if I were at your house and you were offering these, I'd definitely have one ore two.  I might look for another drink with lemon and peach for another cocktail ..

We're taking a break next week  We have a Doctor Who movie event to attend but we should be back in two weeks .. I'll post the drink before then, in case you want to join us (in person or by having your own cocktail wednesday).  If you ever do join us, please let me know...

Week 36 : Sept 3 - 9

Sept 5 - Fort Funston

Sept 6 - Doctor who costumes ...

Sept 7 - too much sun

Sept 8 - time for a new fitbit


Sept 9 - Cocktail Wednesday

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

August Update / September Goals

So these were my goals for August:
  1. start quilt for Nathaniel
  2. organize closet
  3. organize sewing area better (clean up the rest of the room)
  4. clean garage
  5. make two soups
  6. make two breads
  7. start quilts for YD and YD's friend(s)
  8. get caught up on blog posts
I organized my closet and started on one of the quilts for YD.  not so good.

So here's September
  1. start quilt for Nathaniel
  2. organize linen closet
  3. organize sewing area
  4. clean garage
  5. make two soups
  6. make two breads
  7. finish quilts for YD and YD's friend(s)
  8. get caught up on blog posts
I'm thinking that I need to get back to the 15 minutes a day in the sewing room and then I'll be able to accomplish some of these goals.

I basted one of the quilts for #7 yesterday.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Cocktail Wednesday - Blueberry Lemon Drop

This week's drink is the blueberry lemon drop.  Recipe from here.

  • 2 ounces blueberry vodka
  • 1 ounce fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • 4-5 fresh, organic blueberries
  • Lemon wheel or blueberries for garnish
  • Simple syrup to taste

first I muddled the blueberries in the shaker with the lemon juice.  I don't have a muddler so I just mushed up the berries as best I could.  Then I added ice and vodka and simple syrup (initially I used half a shot, but increased it to a full shot because I like sweet stuff) and shook until the shaker was too cold.

The problem I have with the shaker method is that I only seem to be able to make 1-2 drinks at a time and there are usually 4-5 of us. (whine, whine, whine).

We used plain vodka because I didn't want to buy yet another vodka, and I thought it turned out really nice.

Anyway, another successful drink, definitely worth having again.

Join us next week for a Peach Blow Fizz, recipe from here.

Week 35 : Aug 27 - Sept 2

 Aug 27 - the tree (courtesy of my dh)

 Aug 28 - Quilt from the Lake Breeze (courtesy of my dh)

Aug 29 - HSTs

Aug 30 - Sept 1 - although not taken on either of these days, here is the tree
(to see more pics of this tree, here's a post from a while ago with several pictures)

Sept 2 - Blueberry Lemon Drop

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Week 34 : Aug 20 - 26

 Aug 20 - wishing I were there

Aug 21 - still wishing

Aug 22 - breakfast

Aug 23 - a visit from the boys

Aug 25 - first quilt top done

Aug 26 - Cocktail Wednesday

Cocktail Wednesday - Strawberry Daiquiri

So I was such a slacker last week that I didn't even get my Cocktail Wednesday post up before the next week.  I had never had a Strawberry Daiquiri before.  Not sure why.  Maybe I was afraid it would be too rummy.

I got the recipe from here.


6 cups ice
4 oz. frozen strawberries
1/2 cup sugar
1/8 cup lime juice
1/2 cup lemon juice
3/4 cup rum
1/4 cup lemon lime soda

Basically, I put it all in the blender and blended.

It was great.

I've been liking all the cocktails lately so I'm no longer sure which one is my favorite!

2025 Pics - January 12 thru 31

January 12 Jan. 13 - gotta love Snapxhat Jan 16 - hidden key Jan 17 - lunch with the kiddos Jan 17 - the deck Jan 18   Jan 19 - measuring up...