Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday Evening

Had a lovely dinner with everyone from the office tonight -- I had salmon, yummy!

No quilting tonight, but I'll do more tomorrow. I made two blocks for my new bedroom quilt .. we'll see if I have enough. It will be blue and white.

In my reading of blogs I found the following quote .. it's great!! "It took me years and years of trial efforts to work out that there is absolutely no knitting triumph I can achieve that my husband will think is worth being woken up for." ~Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, At Knit's End: Meditations for Women Who Knit Too Much.

However, I must say that my husband will on occasion be quite positive and responsive -- not in the middle of the night however, but the rest of the time he's pretty good. Much better about quilting than knitting though.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I've made my first two blocks for the pinwheel sampler in the quilt along that I'm doing. I'm really excited!!

Friday, February 19, 2010


I don't really have anything to say - might as well just have tweeted. But I am glad the weekend's here. I'm tired and ready for some relaxation ... was this past week really a short one? and was it the last three-day weekend until Memorial Day??? Oh no! I guess I'll just have to take some time off.

We have an "annual clean up" campaign in our city that begins in March. That gives us three weekends, including this one, to get rid of our excess trash! The only problem is that our trash gets picked up on the first day of the campaign and we usually find more stuff (trash) after it's been picked up. The plan is to go through the attic ... let's see how we do!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Cookies ...

When do politeness and kindness go out the window? Why do people think they can say anything without regard for someone else's feelings? and how many times have I done this? Why do we end up letting those we love get hurt?

on another note, here's last week's $1 item.

And here's Mikey wearing his dad's motorcycle helmet! What a cutie!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

And I finished the knitted blanket too!

Sock Monkey II

I finished the second sock monkey quilt. Not sure if I like it as well as the first one, but here it is.

I don't think you can tell from the pictures, but I pieced the binding from two different fabrics which turned out good. I found some instructions for the binding on Crazy Mom Quilts. She has some other good tutorials, too.

Now I just need to finish the baby blanket I'm knitting -- I have three hours during the superbowl. Hopefully that's enough!

Friday, February 5, 2010


I think this weekend I will work on finishing two projects. The first is the sock monkey quilt; I only have the binding to add to it and then I'm done. The second is the baby blanket that I've been knitting for at least a year. I'm not sure how many more rows I can do before I run out of yarn, but I'll see what it takes. I can always do that during the super bowl. Then I can buckle down and work on my next quilt.

There's also a quilt along that I am hoping with start soon. I have the fabric. I haven't washed it yet because I don't think I'm supposed to. It's a "layer cake" which is a bunch of squares of fabric, 12 x 12. Washing would probably ruin it. I'm really looking forward to that.

Tomorrow I've got yoga. Somehow I need to find my $1 item - there should be some yard sales. I also need a manicure and a pedicure ..

How are y'all doing with all the snow -- it sounds crazy. My husband and sons and daughters are all wishing they were there to enjoy it... as for me, I'm glad I'm warm but it would be kinda fun. Mikey would like it!

Enough for now. I'll post pictures as soon as I'm finished!

Things I've Been Up To

So today I worked on the Grinch quilt.  If I do a little everyday, I might actually finish it this year. Here it is all bunched up by my sew...