Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Cookie Bake Off #12 - White Chocolate Raspberry Bars

So my next pick for "cookies" was the White Chocolate Raspberry Bars.


1 cup flour
1 t. baking powder
1/4 t. salt
6 oz white chocolate
4 T butter
1/2 cup sugar + 2 teaspoons
1 large egg
1 t. vanilla
5 oz (1 cup) raspberries

I think these were a success.  I enjoyed them.  They were quick and easy to make -- not hours between anything, other than letting them cool down (but I don't think I really needed to wait that long).  The recipe only made 16, which is/was probably enough.

These were supposed to be made in an 8x8 pan.  I only had a 6x8 pan (or it may have been smaller).  I think they would have been better 1) if I had the right sized pan, 2) if I had been able to use a mixer to blend the ingredients (babies were sleeping so I didn't want to use the mixer and wake them up) and
3) using a cream cheese icing rather than more white chocolate on top.


2023 - Week 21 : May 21 to May 27

May 21

May 24

May 25

May 26 (two fandoms collide)

May 27


2023 - Week 20 : May 14 to May 20

May 15

May 16

May 18

May 19

May 20


2023 - Week 19 : May 7 to May 13

 May 7
May 8

May 9

May 10

May 12

May 13

Monday, May 8, 2023

2023 - Week 18 : April 30 to May 6

April 30 

May 3

May 4
before and after pics of my YD's house posted on their designer's instagram

May 5 - the Macarena

 May 6 - Seattle

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

April Goals - Update

So here's how I did last month:

  • Continue walking on treadmill -- I stopped because I am having some plantar fasciitis
    • 52.84 miles in April, for a total of 338.16 this year
  • Couch to 5K - do 3x week  - again the plantar fasciitis stopped me from doing this
  • Work on Mackenzie's blanket - nada
  • Work on Mackenzie's quilt - I did order some fabric for this
  • Deep clean 1 room - basically cleaned my room -- not so deep but I did wash the windows, base boards, around the doors
  • Make plan for organizing sewing room - nothing planned
  • Weight - I thought I was down another pound but when I weighed myself on May 1, I was the same as April 1 :( - boo
  • Keep food diary (eat three fresh veggies/fruits per week) - nope
  • April Cocktail  - done -- I'll have to post pictures
  • Make new recipe - nope
  • Get plants to plant - I got one lavender plant which is hanging outside my bedroom door

May goals:
  • Do Exercises for Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Pain (so that I can start walking again).
  • Work on Mackenzie's quilt
  • Work on Grinch quilt
  • Deep clean 1 room
  • Sewing room ideas
  • Weight - do the food tracker thing
  • May cocktail
  • New recipe
  • Plants

Q, R, S ..

Q is for Quitting

R is for Real 

S is for Slacker

T is for 

For O, I should have used, Oxford, Ohio.  That's where my mother's parents lived and all my siblings went to college (Miami University (of Ohio)), and my grandfather was the head of the Political Science Department. However, I seem to come up with better examples several days after the fact.  This is the reason that I should plan these things out.

U, V, W, X, Y, and Z.

So I didn't make it this year.  There's always next year.

2023 - Week 17 : April 23 to April 29

April 23

April 24

April 27

April 28 

April 29

2025 Pics - January 12 thru 31

January 12 Jan. 13 - gotta love Snapxhat Jan 16 - hidden key Jan 17 - lunch with the kiddos Jan 17 - the deck Jan 18   Jan 19 - measuring up...