Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Engagement Party

So, my YD got engaged on April 4th this year; she is getting married June 11, 2016 near Lake Tahoe in California.  On July 18, last summer, her former boss threw her an engagement party. 

Here is the happy couple. 

and loads of food -- quite yummy!

  My youngest son .. and his wife with his youngest son.

All my boys ...

Round Robin, part II

One interesting thing about scanning the Round Robin letters, in addition to how many there were and how much my grandparents worked hard at staying in touch with their siblings, is how thrifty my grandfather was. The letters are typed on all sorts of paper, from work, from hotels, from various places, it's kind of cool. I almost wonder if he ever bought paper ...

I should probably take a page out of that book, and be thriftier, re-use and recycle when I can.

This is one of the stamps ... it fell off the envelope.

This is a picture of my grandma's family, the Pope's when they arrived in California in 1907.

My grandma, Dessie, is the one in the middle.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Week 51 : Dec 17 - 23

Dec 19 - Doctor Who??

Dec 20 - just in time

 Dec 21 - old blocks

Dec 22 - foxy 

Dec 23 - Christmas Eve Eve

Panorama of the living room .. mostly messy counter top.

Lita & Nigel's Wedding

A little late (like 6 months), but we went to celebrate Lita and Nigel's wedding with them in June.

We flew out on Wednesday to spend the night in Indianapolis before driving to Oxford for the wedding.
The wine on the plane ...

 On Thursday, we went out and got our nails done.

 Ribbon trees at the nail salon ..  ideas for Christmas decorations.

Then there was the rehearsal dinner .. met my grand nephew, birthday buddy for the first time ...

 Group photo after the dinner.

And then the wedding ...  it as raining so they moved it inside

   The altar ..

The bride and groom ..

 Dancing with her brother ...

Merry Christmas!!

Round Robin

One of my goals this year was to scan my grandpa's Round Robin letters.  I finally did it today.  I'll need to fix the images on Monday and then upload them for everyone to see, but otherwise I'm done!!!

This was in with the letters ... wonder how old this is? I feel like I remember my grandfather using it to make popcorn ...

The Round Robin letters were from 1938 to 1982, written by my grandfather and grandmother (Howard and Dessie White) to my grandfather's siblings.  The way it worked was that my grandfather & grandmother would write a letter to everyone else and put it in an envelope and send it to the next person on the list.  The second recipient would add their letter and mail both letters to the next one, until everyone had a letter in the package and it would come back to the first writer, who would remove their letter and replace it with a new one.  There were several rounds of letters each year (I only have the ones written by my grandparents though.  makes me wonder about the other ones).  Most big family events were covered, births, deaths, marriages, etc. 

There was also correspondence between my grandparents and some letters from my mother, aunt and uncle to my grandparents.  Fun!  The following is a letter from my great grandmother, to my grandmother on the birth of my sister.

 So I can now check off #5 on my list!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Week 50 : Dec 10 - 16

 Dec 11 - Magic cookie bars

 Dec 12 - first bread of the season
Dec 13 - elf costume

Dec 15 - orchid

Dec 16 - the tree is up!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Orchids ...

When I first started taking these pictures, I had no idea how long it would be before they would actually bloom.

 Nov 9
 Nov 16
 Nov 23
Nov 30
 Dec 8
 Dec 11
Dec 14

I've got a second orchid on my desk but I won't go through this again....

Week 49 : Dec 3 - 9

Dec 3 - still waiting
 Dec 4 - reflections

 Dec 5 - diaper cake

Dec 8 - the other orchid
(don't worry, you're not going to see a bazillion pics of this one as it gets ready to bloom)

2025 Pics - January 12 thru 31

January 12 Jan. 13 - gotta love Snapxhat Jan 16 - hidden key Jan 17 - lunch with the kiddos Jan 17 - the deck Jan 18   Jan 19 - measuring up...