Thursday, February 2, 2023

Goals - Monthly Update - January

I am one day late with this, but wanted to keep track of the walking I'm doing and my weight, as well as some of my other goals.  So here goes.

    Fitbit miles : 80.25
    Weight - 0 lbs lost; 0 lbs gained (this is a win since I was up two pounds earlier in the month)
    We did our cocktail this month.
    Watched more episodes of the Prisoner.
    Made one new recipe.
    Looked into taking Spanish
    Got some pictures hung in the house

My goals for February:

    Sign up for Spanish
    Continue walking regularly
    Cocktail (Chocolate Covered Strawberry Martini)
    Continue with the Prisoner
    Go to Gallifrey One
    Make another new recipe

anything else from the list I can do ...

Cookies #8 - Haystacks

The next cookies (?) are Butterscotch Haystacks.  Not sure they actually qualify as a cookie since there is no baking involved.


Chow mein noodles
Dry roased peanuts
Butterscotch bits (or chocolate or white chocolate)

Basically, you melt the butterscotch and stir in the noodles & peanuts, let them sit and you're done.

I did butterscotch, white chocolate, and chocolate (but the chocolate I used was dark and very not sweets so that was actually a bust).  The butterscotch were the best.  If I do this again, I will use more noodles and less sauce.


2023 - Week 4 : Jan 22 - 28

Jan 24 - one of the cocktails we might be doing this month ...

Jan 26 - Happy Baby

Jan 27 - my orchid

Jan 28 - at the mall

2024 : Week 28 : July 8 - July 14

July 9 July 10 July 12 July 13  They've got some big buns in SC June 14 My OGS (oldest grandson) turns 16!!  He's the one on the far...