Jan 22
Jan 23
Jan 24
Jan 25
Jan 26
Jan 27
A couple of Mark Twain quotes:
"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do."
"The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not."
January 15
January 16
January 17
January 18
January 19
January 20
January 21
(Forgive all the cat pictures .. he's the only subject I have when I realize I haven't taken any pictures.)
Here's my new list .. I'm hoping to do a lot better this year.
1. Visit Michael & family
2. Visit Nevada in Seattle
3. Visit Paul & family - if they move out of state (and even if they don't)
4. Visit Aunt Mearlene
5. Visit Kelly (in DC)
6. Go to Nevada (state) - visited with Nevada in Nevada over Memorial Weekend - DONE!
7. Go to Grand Canyon
8. Go to Vancouver (when Canada lets us in)
9. Visit SD in the Santa Cruz mountains
10. Visit family in Ohio
11. Wine Tasting
12. Beer Tasting
13. Re-start cocktail Wednesday (but monthly)
14. Try a new bread recipe - Done!
15. Bake a pie with homemade crust
16. Make homemade pasta
17. Make biscuits and gravy
18. One new recipe a month
19. Try a new ethnic food
20. Bake a cake (from scratch)
21. Blog more than last year (so at least 49 posts)
22. Story Corp interviews
23. 1SE (one second everyday) project
24. Participate in the A to Z Challenge
25. Work on scanning old pictures
26. Work on scanning WWI era letters
27. Finish watching Tom Baker episodes with Nevada
28. Watch the Prisoner
29. Hang pictures in the house
30. Hem Curtains
31. Read one book a month - including one classic
32. Yoga (either at home or join a gym)
33. Walk 1,000 fit bit miles
34. Take a bike ride
35. Take a walk every week - blog about it?
36. One new thing a month
37. Picture diary (once a week)?
38. Walk the Dish
39. Geocaching?
40. Send a postcard / letter / card to someone ...
41. Finish Grinch quilt
42. Finish Rocket Man quilt - Done!
43. Knit a blanket
44. Make pillow cases
45. Refinish towel rack / quilt rack
46. Hem curtains (living room and bedroom) - DONE!
47. Make a quilt for Jack
48. Go to yard sale
49. Make a new soup
50. Take a class
51. Join book club
52. Make a list for 2022...
Here is my update of my list from last year .. my new list will be posted in the next couple of days.
2. Attend Gallifrey One - Done
5. Go to Arizona - Done (didn't post about it, but this post is about bread made in Arizona)
6. Visit East Coast - Done
8. Wine Tasting - did a couple of virtual wine tastings
13. 1SE (one second everyday) project - will post and complete
14. Participate in the AtoZ Challenge - DONE (I didn't sign up for the Challenge, but I did post from A to Z in April)
17. Read one book a month* - read several books but not from the list I had
31. Try a new bread recipe - Done (focaccia bread)
40. Decorate for Christmas - sort of
44. Watch 25% of Tom Baker episodes - DONE
49. Spend quality time with Nevada (talked pretty regularly; spent time at Gallifrey One)
52. Make a list for 2021... (will be done soon)
1. Family vacation - NOPE
3. Visit Seattle - NOPE
4. Visit Aunt Mearlene - NOPE
7. Go to Nevada (state) - NOPE
9. See the Grand Canyon - NOPE
10. Go to Vancouver - NOPE
11. Blog an average of once a week (so at least 52 posts) - only 48 posts :(
12. Story Corp interviews - NOPE
15. Work on scanning old pictures - NOPE
16. Work on scanning WWI era letters - NOPE
18. Re-start cocktail Wednesday - NOPE
19. $1 challenge - NOPE
20. Yoga classes (or other such class) - NOPE
21. Finish Grinch quilt - NOPE
22. Make three quilts - NOPE
23. Knit a blanket - NOPE
24. Make pillow cases - NOPE
25. Make one wearable (for me? or someone else?) - NOPE
26. Take 6 different walks/hikes - NOPE
27. Walk 1,000 fit bit miles - NOPE (793.71 miles)
28. Complete "Couch to 5K" - NOPE
29. Take a bike ride - NOPE
30. One new thing a month - NOPE
32. Plant garden (tomato plants) - NOPE
33. Cocktail Wednesday (bi-monthly?) (OOPS - same as 18) - still NOPE
34. Try a new ethnic food - NOPE
35. Do a beer tasting - NOPE
36. Add to my "Night Before Christmas" collection - NOPE
37. Go to estate/yard sales - NOPE
38. Make new Christmas cookie - NOPE
39. Try 1 new recipe a month - NOPE
41. Go to a concert - NOPE
42. Take a class - NOPE
43. Bake a pie with homemade crust - NOPE
45. Try a new sewing pattern - NOPE
46. Visit a new / historic / special part of California - NOPE
47. Make homemade pasta - NOPE
48. Watch the Prisoner - NOPE
50. Pay it forward - NOPE
51. Make biscuits and gravy - NOPE
Not a good year for working on my list. Hopefully, 2021 will be a better year.
So today I worked on the Grinch quilt. If I do a little everyday, I might actually finish it this year. Here it is all bunched up by my sew...