Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Finishing ..

I haven't had much to say lately so I'm not saying anything.  However, I am supposed to blog once a week and the last time I did was last Wednesday so here I am again.  I finished the quilt top for my pinwheel sampler.

I'm hoping to get the backing and binding tomorrow night .. we'll see what I come up with.

My niece, Katie, comes to visit on Friday.  I'm really looking forward to it.  I don't know if there's anything she wants to do while she's here or if she's just coming to hang out with her grandparents.

I don't know how many more blocks I have to make on my other pinwheel sampler, but it's coming together -- probably a couple more weeks.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I need to blog this week .. so here I am.  I am going to have to prepare a presentation for my CLM study group.  I need to read the materials and then figure out how to present them in such a way that is interesting and so that we can learn.  Hah!  I don't know that I can do that.  The topic is legal industry.  The first part is about ABA rules that legal managers need to know and right now I can't remember what the rest of it is on.  I am not a gifted teacher, to say the least, so this is a real challenge.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Big Basin

The drive to Big Basin.

Foggy and rainy ...

a big tree at Big Basin..

the big tree again

a grove of trees

One day, we'll go back and hike at the park and take more pictures.

30th Anniversary

Yesterday was our 30th anniversary! We didn't really do much but we had a nice day.  We went out for breakfast, drove to Big Basin, turned around and drove back home.  Paul watched the end of the Masters, I made two quilt blocks, then we had Chinese and went to see Shutter Island.  All in all a great day. Here are some pics.

The Prolific Oven

Friday, April 9, 2010

First Quilt

Here is a picture of the first quilt I made.  It's a few years old now but it looks like it has held up pretty well.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I need to set some quilting goals for this year ... One comes from my 52 list and the others are things that I know I want to get done.

1 - Christmas stockings - find pattern, buy fabric ...

2 - Quilt for S - she's having a baby in August, I think.  They aren't going to find out what they're having ahead of time so I'm going to make a green quilt.  I feel like yellow is too girlie, so it will be green.  Not sure what pattern yet.  I've seen a few cute ones.

3 - Blue (the other) pinwheel sampler quilt: I need to catch up on the blocks.  I think I need to complete 9 blocks before Saturday when the new block comes out.  I also want to chart/diagram it out on the computer so I can decide what layout to use.  I can't really put it anywhere on the ground because of its size.  I need to get more fabric for the sashing, the border, the binding and the backing.  I'm leaning toward flannel for the backing because I think the husband (aka hubby) will really like that.

4 - Pinwheel Sampler Quilt - I need to get border, binding, and backing for this one, though I may be able to piece together the border and binding from left over pieces from the "layer cake".  As for the sashing, I am going to use the cream I've been using for the background fabric (I think) but I am not sure if I am going to put little pinwheel blocks in between each larger block - they're cute but it might be a little busy for me.

5 - Purple quilt - I have this cut out, but I just need to get to work on it.  It is a little frustrating because one of the fabrics is a knit and thus really hard to work with - I will need backing, binding, border, and batting  for this one.  Oh, and I probably need batting for all the other projects as well.

6 - thank you gift for my wonderful friend who gave me her old sewing machine.  I have something in mind but I need to get just one thing from the store to complete it.

7 - rag rug made from t-shirts.  This is really cool.  So far I have about 4 inches done.  I'll work on it on Thursday night.  Making the strips is time consuming and kind of messy but I'm actually really excited about this.  I just haven't spent time on it lately.

Guess that's it for now though I am thinking of other things too ...

2025 Pics - January 12 thru 31

January 12 Jan. 13 - gotta love Snapxhat Jan 16 - hidden key Jan 17 - lunch with the kiddos Jan 17 - the deck Jan 18   Jan 19 - measuring up...