Sunday, August 28, 2011

Spiderman ..

Soooo, I got my sewing area back today and put the binding on the Spiderman quilt!  Hooray! Another finish!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Favorite Things Friday

My favorite this week is lighthouses. 

Copper Harbor lighthouse ..

Eagle Harbor lighthouse ..
(image from here)

Jacobsville ..

Eagle River lighthouse ..

Five Mile Point lighthouse

Pigeon Point Lighthouse, California

Go to Quilting in My Pyjamas to see others favorites this week.

A correction to my previous post .. as noted by my father.  The Jacobsville light above is not the lighthouse at Jacobsville at all (we couldn't find the actual lighthouse and just settled for the entry light near Jacobsville). 

Here is a picture with the true Jacobsville Lighthouse.  My father's Great Uncle Jim, is the "stout fellow with a cap standing near the center of the picture and he is eating"

Sunday, August 21, 2011

shaft houses, bridges, ruins, old buildings

This post is for me.  Please feel free to skip .. it's just some pictures of old shaft houses, a bridge, some old ruins and another old building.

While in the UP (Michigan's Upper Peninsula) this year, in addition to wanting to make jam, I wanted to check out the remaining shaft houses.  As time passes, there are fewer and fewer of these buildings remaining.  So, I went out and took pictures of three of them.  I think there is at least one more that I missed -- maybe more.

Next time .. maybe I'll have more time to look for more old buildings and ruins .. hopefully.

Centennial Mine No. 6 Shafthouse

Centennial Mine No. 3 Shafthouse

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Vacation -- Lodgings

The cabin .. sleeps 9 comfortably and more if you want ..

and the close up of the front porch .. with my boys ..
#1 son (birth order)
 #1 husband
 the back door
 Inside ..
decorations .. because  I was missing the devil cat
a bear trap, just in case

the stairs up to the loft (which I didn't take pictures of)...

fish over the dinner table

#1 husband hanging out inside now.

and a sauna in the backyard ..

Katie found this cottage/cabin and it was wonderful.  Big kitchen, sauna, fire pit, fire place, washer, dryer, jacuzzi tub.  Really roughing it.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Favorite Things Friday

I am, once again, linking up with Quilting in My Pyjamas for Favourite Things Friday .. to see what others have claimed as their favorites this week, click on the link.

My favorite thing this week is the tree outside the Lake Breeze resort in Eagle Harbor, Michigan.  The tree is about 100 years old and lives through the harshest of conditions in the winter.  There used to be two trees, but about 15 or so years ago the other one died or was blown down.

Whenever I am there, I take a picture.  So, here are some pictures of THE TREE.



Unknown year (not taken by me)




Thursday, August 18, 2011

Many States

Our travels took us through California, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming (a smidgen), Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
(The map is actually North Dakota .. but it's the only map picture I took ...)
I had hoped to take a picture of each sign welcoming us to each state .. however, I missed a few because:

1) I wasn't able to focus the camera correctly, 
2) I was asleep, or 
3) it was too dark.

We started at 4 a.m. in California


Road work in Nevada .. nice umbrellas.


I'm not actually sure which state this was .. maybe Idaho, maybe Montana, maybe, North Dakota .. hopefully, Idaho.

It rained in North Dakota or I would have seen the sunrise .. 

No pics from then on, until we reached our destination .. I was tired :(.

2024 : Week 28 : July 8 - July 14

July 9 July 10 July 12 July 13  They've got some big buns in SC June 14 My OGS (oldest grandson) turns 16!!  He's the one on the far...