Sunday, February 28, 2021

Oh, Crepe!

So, last night I was watching the Great British Baking Show and one of the things that they made was a crepe cake.  It inspired me to make crepes this morning.

I got the recipe from here.


  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 Tablespoons butter

The batter was a little lumpy -- that needs to be worked out next time -- my butter wasn't completely melted and that might have been part of the problem.

They turned out great!  What a quick and easy breakfast.  Now I need to figure out how to add other stuff and make them even better. 

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Week 8 : Feb 19 - 25

 Feb 19 - Livermore

Feb. 20 - cousins come to visit

Feb 21 - Oh hey!

Feb 22 - relaxing

Feb 23 - snapchat

 Feb 24 - still relaxing

Feb 25 - just a reminder ..

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Week 7 : Feb 12 - 18

Feb 12 - a visit from my cousin

Feb 13 - looking for law furniture

Feb 14 - brothers

Feb 15 - paper clip

Feb 16 - hanging out with Grandpa & baking cookies

Feb 17 - Beau
Feb 18 - Snapchat

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Week 6 : Feb 5 - 11

 Feb 5 - playing with sticks

Feb 6 - Puppy Chow

Feb 7 - Super Bowl watchers

Feb 8 - home again

Feb 9 - My YD's family

Feb 10 - Wine Selection

 Feb 11 - Watching TV

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Week 5 : Jan 29 - Feb 4

Jan 29 - Weezer at the door

Jan 30 - driving to work

Jan 31 - binding selection

Feb 1 - an eyelash

Feb 2 - scanning (this is my grandfather)

Feb. 3 - Lost his first tooth!

Feb 4 - More scanning

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Saying Goodbye

My sweet, devil cat died yesterday.  He had been with us basically since he was born.  Here he is being bottle fed.


When we first got him, we didn't want to leave him at home because he was so tiny, so we took him with us in a shoe box. I can remember people asking me what he was -- he didn't even look like a cat.


Somehow he learned to eat and drink on his own.

Here he is looking all sweet.

Lately, he's been the subject of all my pictures because I had no other subjects around and because I knew his time was coming to an end.

2024 : Week 28 : July 8 - July 14

July 9 July 10 July 12 July 13  They've got some big buns in SC June 14 My OGS (oldest grandson) turns 16!!  He's the one on the far...