Sunday, June 22, 2014

Dollar Days ($1 finds)

So, #30 on my list, is to find 52 $1 items again this year.  Last weekend we went to some yard sales and found some goodies.  Though these don't count because they were too expensive, I found two pyrex casserole dishes for $2 each, but we actually needed them so I was thrilled. 

The first things I found were a stack of puzzles and games.  There were four puzzles and two games all for $2.

Then I found the sheet below with the cute teddy bear print.  This will either be cut up for a quilt or left intact for the backing.  Not sure if it is a twin (most likely) or a full size sheet.  This cost $1.

Next were these five books.  I don't normally buy books at yard sales but for $1, I just couldn't pass them up -- five books for $1.

And this final find ended up being a freebie.  Although I have other versions of the Little Golden Book "The Night Before Christmas", this was a different year I think, but if not, it was free.

All in all, a very good day.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Week 24 - June 14 - 20

 Saturday - yard sale finds

 Sunday - Stuffed Sweet Potato

 Monday - surprise packages!

Tuesday - oops!

Wednesday - new photo booth effects - alien or anorexic?

 Thursday - paw print on a cork

 Friday - Sunset

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June Goals

1 - make 4 Grinch blocks

2 - Get back to the gym - 3x a week (starting next week).  I'm thinking of re-starting the Couch to 5k challenge.  we'll see.  I just need to get up and that's the real challenge.

3 - Make 3 improv blocks (well, three for Katie, and three for me for a total of six. )

4 - Start a new project -- Paul mentioned that he wants a bag for the boys' things so I'm toying with the idea of making one of those.  I also have the cat quilt to make with the pattern I got at the quilt show.  Sometimes I get stuck on what to do next.  I have a few things to finish, but that defeats the purpose of a new start each month.

That's it.  Not too much, but I really need to get started June is slipping away.

JLo Wedding (NOT that JLo)

So #5 on my list this year was to attend Jonathan and Lauren's wedding.  We did that on May 9 on Anna Maria Island in Florida.  May 9th fell on a Friday, but we decided to make a vacation of it and got there the Sunday before the wedding.

We spent a little time on the beach .. not nearly as much as we should have...

Watched sunsets ... 

drove to the airport and other places picking people up ... more than we should have (not the picking people up part, but the driving around part)

Swam in the backyard ...

More sunsets ..

walked on the beach ..

ate way too much (but not this guy or his buddy)...

And then there was the wedding .. my YD and her boyfriend were there ...

My nephew, walking his mother to her seat .. notice the bare and sandal footed-ness.

Cutting the cake (no cake smashing here).

Spent time with family  .. me with my husband, my cousin, Sara and her husband, Bruce. 

and one final sunset ..

It was a wonderful time of family sun and fun ... next time, there will be more hanging out at the beach and pool ...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Shout out

So yesterday in my excitement and all, I forgot to thank my cousin Stephen for his help in ordering my wonderful computer. 

Growing up he was "my" cousin.  My mother and my aunt both had four children and each of my siblings and I had a cousin born fairly close to our birthdays.  Does that make sense?  Anyway, Stevie was mine. 

So thanks!  You're the best!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Week 23 - June 7 - 13

Saturday - nothing

Sunday - swim fun

Monday .. Tuesday

Wednesday - Pizza My Heart

Thursday .. Friday

Week 22 - May 31 - June 6

I have been a total slacker on the picture front - basically because of my computer issues (along with a heavy dose of laziness on the picture taking front), so I only have a few pictures ...

 Saturday, Mumm's the word ...

 Sunday, a flower for Paul.

Monday ... Tuesday

Cocktail Wednesday - Fuzzy Navel (I'd never heard of it, but apparently I'm the only one.  Quite yummy, with a peach and everything.)

Thursday ...  Friday

Please Accept My Apologies ...

So, I've been really bad about posting and even worse about commenting on the blogs I follow.  I think about a month and a half ago, the bottom row on my keyboard (on my laptop) started acting up. It would work sometimes and not others.  It was super annoying, but I was able to get by, albeit a little frustrated.  I would get half way through a post or a comment and it would stop working.  So I would just give up.  Then a few weeks ago or so, my home row stopped working as well.  As you can imagine, it was next to impossible to type.

So, I went to the Apple store to see if I could get a wireless keyboard and just keep using my computer.  It was a fairly inexpensive way to work around the problem. My computer could see the keyboard but it didn't want to work with it.  I planned to make an appointment and go back to the store and have the Apple people help me figure it out.  I also figured that if that didn't work, I could try using a keyboard plugged into the USB port.  Again, a fairly inexpensive way around my problem.

However, neither of those things happened .. my YD and my OD started asking me questions about which computer I would want to buy, so I decided to hold off on making any purchases.  I wasn't sure where they were going with their questions, but I had a pretty good idea. 

To make a long story short, my wonderful family (my father, my husband, my sons and my daughters) got me a computer for my birthday.  So, instead of fumbling around with a makeshift solution, I have a brand spanking new MacBook Air!! 

I am so excited to be able to type all the words I want .. and it's light and easy and great!!

Thank you..

Now, I have no excuses for not commenting on your blogs.  I promise I'll be much better about it.

2025 Pics - January 12 thru 31

January 12 Jan. 13 - gotta love Snapxhat Jan 16 - hidden key Jan 17 - lunch with the kiddos Jan 17 - the deck Jan 18   Jan 19 - measuring up...