Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Turkey Trot - Thanksgiving 2013

So, this year, on Thanksgiving morning my husband and I, and our oldest, his wife, our youngest, her boyfriend, and my nephew ran in the Silicon Valley Turkey Trot.  It's a 5k/10 walk. 

Here we all are before the race .. I don't have any after pictures.  :(.  Anyway, this was my first "race" ever.  There were about 20,000 people running.  I came in 202nd in my age/gender group.  Don't know how many women my age were running ... I walked/ran it in 42 minutes even - about a 13.5 minute mile.

I think I want to make this a family tradition -- even the little ones can join in.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Cocktail Wednesday

This week's cocktail was great -- Tiffany's Lemonade! Shay gave it another name but I'm sticking with that one.

Here are the ingredients:
  • 1 oz Peach Snapps
  • Frozen or Fresh lemonade
  • a smidge of Blue Curaco
  • Sugar (for the glass rim) optional
  • Lemon wedges
  • Ice
I followed the directions from here.  A very refreshing drink -- great for summertime, or so I hear -- perhaps we should go for a cold weather cocktail next week. :).


Doesn't look quite as pretty as the pictures from the link above (or Shay's pictures either), but it tasted really good.  Like lemonade with a hint of peaches.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  We have a lot of cooking to do in the morning, but before that I'm going to run in a Turkey Trot.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Cocktail Wednesday

Tonight's cocktail is a Candy Corn Cocktail.  Check out Shay's post on it.  It's difficult joining in when the reviews are not stellar -- but I'm committed to it this week, I've already put the vodka in with the candy corn ...

and a friend is coming over to help with this tasting.

Here's the link for the recipe we used:  I googled "candy corn martini" today and found several others.

The vodka/candy corn mixture wasn't nearly as clear as the one in the link.  I didn't do the "glasses" up as pretty as Shay, though I did dip the rims in sugar.  We actually thought the martini tasted okay.  I might even say pretty good.  I don't have a rating scale yet (Shay's was 2.5 out of 5.0), but this was so much better than last week's.  Last week's cocktail's only saving grace was that the vodka wasn't infused with anything (i.e., candy corn) so the vodka was still usable (we used it this week). 
I didn't read the directions on how much candy corn and vodka to put in the jar which may account for the cloudiness of the mixture and I used lemon vodka. 
Anyway, on to next week ..
p.s. don't you just love the plastic martinit glasses??

Monday, November 18, 2013

Update - The List

I looked over my list of goals for 2013 today.  I feel like I've done a pretty good job on them.  I didn't do a tally, but it's definitely better than last year. 

One thing I am going to try to do is to finish the 9 quilts.  I've finished 5; there are three tops close to finished; and the final quilt is my Grinch quilt.  So, I need to buckle down and do some sewing.  I'll get started tomorrow night.  Actually, I'm missing one from my list -- the stacked sock monkey quilt -- nice to know I only have three more to finish, not four!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Cocktail Wednesday

so, I decided to follow Little Miss Sunshine and Mrs. Pyjamas and mix it up, literally, on Wednesday with a cocktail.  I'm not sure why they're doing it, but I'm doing it just to copy them.  This week's cocktail was a Lemon Meringue Cocktail.  The recipe was simple, but the result not so good.

It was quite potent and everyone here turned their noses up at it.  I decided to google it and found several other recipes that I will try should I ever have the desire to have a Lemon Meringue Cocktail again.  

In order to drink this one, I diluted it with lemonade.  After doing that, my YD said it was less horrible, but still horrible.  hmmm.

I finished my lemonade diluted Lemon Meringue Cocktail and am feeling quite ready for bed.

Can't wait to see what is picked for next week's cocktail...

Monday, November 11, 2013

11 things on 11/11

1 - copying good ideas from other people's blogs
2 - reading a good book
3 - realizing that tomorrow is 11/12/13
4 - eating oreos
5 - wishing I hadn't eaten those oreos
6 - owing $1.75 to the office snack machine
7 - wishing it was Friday already
8 - listening to the clock ticking
9 - remembering good friends
10 - listening to Gordon Lightfoot's "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"*
11 - snuggling in my bed

*it was 38 years ago yesterday that it went down in the icy waters of Lake Superior.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Just wanted to take time to wish my wonderful husband a Happy Birthday!

2024 : Week 28 : July 8 - July 14

July 9 July 10 July 12 July 13  They've got some big buns in SC June 14 My OGS (oldest grandson) turns 16!!  He's the one on the far...