Tuesday, May 29, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - Week 22

I am, once again, linking up with Kate at Life in Pieces for the 15 minute challenge.

Although not the best week ever, I am pleased that I did stuff  sewed 4 out of 7 days.  A defnite improvement.

Tuesday - made 2 byg duvet blocks; cut final block pieces, ironed
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - finished duvet blocks

Friday - nothing
Saturday - shopped for fabric; made sample "card trick" block; I have been wanting to make this block for a while. I am going to make some coasters using this block so I'll have to figure out what I need.  This one started out with 4 inch blocks, that were cut down to 3 inch blocks, and the block below is 8 x 8.  I need to figure this out.  I really like math so you'd think I'd enjoy this aspect of quilting. 

Sunday - sewed sashing in two rows of duvet cover
Monday - zilch

Friday, May 25, 2012

Favorite Things Friday

My favorite this week is new beginnings.  My MS graduated from college today and now embarks on a new phase in his life ...

and my third grandson was born .. here he is with his aunt and his older brother...

To see other favorites, check out Shay's Favourite Things Friday.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

15 Minute Challenge - Week 21

Not the best of weeks, but at least I did do a little something .. very little.

Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - made four blocks for the BYG duvet cover
Thursday - nothing
Friday - made diaper motorcycle; re-sewed the binding on the mug rug.

idea/tutorial from Sweetaprils.

Saturday - nothing
Sunday - more nothing
Monday - and even more nothing

But I'm linking up with Kate at Life in Pieces anyway .. if I keep linking up I'm bound to start doing something.

There's always next week ...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Lucy's Visit

So we had a visitor from Australia for the last five weeks .. Lucy Rabbit.  She and I went site seeing all over Silicon Valley and took her picture by several of the big name IT companies based nearby.

Before she left she visited me at the office and ran into a little trouble with a lion ...

However, she quickly made friends and was riding shortly thereafter ..

waiting for me to finish work .. so we could go home.

The passport stamps ..

Anyway, we had a lovely visit and I will certainly miss her company.  

Friday, May 18, 2012

Favorite Things Friday

I am linking up with Shay at Quilting in My Pyjamas for Favourite Things Friday.

It's 1:10 a.m. and I just got back from taking my YD to meet her boyfriend -- it's his birthday (Happy Birthday Tyler!).  Anyway, he lives about 3 hours from our house so we met him halfway .. but on the drive back I "saw" my FTF for this week.

What? you may ask.  Well, my fave this week is singing and dancing to the radio in the car by myself.  I can sing as loudly as I want, I can dance as goofy as I want and NOBODY cares.  There is no one there to comment on how off key I am or how I can't carry a tune.  I have a great time!

And, because I am sure you were wondering, my favorite car song is Just Dance.  What's yours?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

15 Minute Challenge .. week 20

After a long break, I finally did some sewing!  

Tuesday -- nothing
Wednesday -- zero
Thursday -- did some mending, a pillow case and the quilt on my bed
Friday -- made six blocks for the duvet cover; made a blanket for Cooper
Saturday -- nada
Sunday -- made two blocks BYG duvet cover, finished 1st mug rug
Monday -- nothing

I don't have any pictures to share.

I realized today that my sewing is kind of like when I draw in "draw something".  In my head, the drawings are elaborate; what I actually draw, on the other hand, are basically stick figures and blobs.  For the sewing, I need more practice to get away from the stick figures and blobs -- I need to figure out how to get what's in my head onto the fabric.

Check out the 15 Minute Challenge at Life in Pieces to see how other people are doing with their 15 minute challenge this week.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Six Inches??

I am hoping that this will count for number 50 on my list. I didn't say how long I had to wear them, but I think these are close enough to quality as six-inch heels! So I'm crossing them off the list! 

My YD and I went shopping for her boyfriend's birthday present and stopped by to see if we could find some flats for her.  These were in my size so I tried them (it) on and had her take a picture!

I just took a quick peek at my list and realized that I have to get started on some of the other things.  Like the Grand Canyon .. I need to make plans with my husband.  and the passport.  My OD is moving to the Caribbean for a while and she wants us to come in the fall, so I think I'll take the plunge and get my passport.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Favorite Things Friday

I so easily get de-motivated.  One day away and the next one is so much easier and the next thing I know, it's been weeks.  So my favorite today is motivation and inspiration (check out Shay's Favourite Things Friday for other favorites today).  I get inspiration from different places.  Today I read this article about Jerry Seinfeld.  The calendar seems like a good idea.  There's also Pinterest.  What a great source.  There's the 15 Minute Challenge.

I was doing great linking up with this earlier this year .. but I got away from it for a few days, which turned into a few weeks, but I don't want it to turn into a few months .. 

The real question is .. what am I going to do.  Well right now, I'm going to make something for lunch and then I am going to work on the duvet cover.

Where do you get your motivation? How do you stay motivated?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Diaper Cake

So my husband lost my son's girlfriend's car keys and in looking for the lost car keys (still missing), he found my camera cord.  So here are the pictures of the diaper cake.

The bottom layer is diapers, wrapped with a receiving blanket.  The second layer is some baby clothes, rolled up and wrapped in another receiving blanket.  The top layer is a few onesies and some hats, wrapped in a third receiving blanket.

The cupcakes are wash clothes rolled up and stuffed inside socks.  If I ever make another one, I'll take pictures as I go..

Faux Post

This isn't really a post.  It's a question.  I want to find/order some fabric with words on it and I need some suggestions of where to find it.  I'm at a loss of how to search for these things on the internet fabric sites.  I already have some fabric that is black with white writing, but I am looking for some that is white with black writing.  Any suggestions? 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Favorite Things Friday (on Saturday)

My favorite* thing this week is spending Saturday morning in bed reading through my favorite blogs (in my pyjamas).  I like when I have time to myself, when I don't have anything I need to do should be doing and I can just relax and enjoy.  I can hear the boys running around.  I can hear my son playing with the boys.  My husband is asleep next to me.  The cats are roaming the house.

This is my 500th post.  Not very spectacular or thought provoking.

I was going to posts pictures of the diaper cake I made last week, but I can't find the thingy to connect my camera to the computer.  I'll have to save that for another day.

If you haven't been there already, swing by Quilting in My Pyjamas to see what others are calling their favorites this week.

*okay, I'm a little late.  I hope the blog police don't come after me.

2025 Pics - January 12 thru 31

January 12 Jan. 13 - gotta love Snapxhat Jan 16 - hidden key Jan 17 - lunch with the kiddos Jan 17 - the deck Jan 18   Jan 19 - measuring up...