Sunday, March 22, 2020

Shelter - In - Place

As of March 18, 2020, the counties in which we live and work have been under Shelter-In-Place orders -- I have been working at home since then.  Not sure how that's going but we're working through it. I feel like I'm able to focus but things are taking longer than I feel they should.

here's my work space ..

I thought I did a day 1, 2, 3, etc. but I haven't been that good. 

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Gallifrey One - 31 Flavors of Gallifrey

So, for the last six years Nevada and I have been going to the Doctor Who convention, Gallifrey One, on Valentine's Day, President's Day Weekend .. this is biggest Doctor Who convention in the world ..  this year it just happened to occur before the coronavirus pandemic hit.

A dalek .. with its handler out of the picture.

We had a great time.  Listening to interviews.  Meeting some of the stars.  but mostly just being together.  They put the tickets on sale for next year already and we have our tickets.  We need to pay attention to when the hotel reservations open .. and then plane tickets.  Presuming the COVID19 has played out by then ...

Things I've Been Up To

So today I worked on the Grinch quilt.  If I do a little everyday, I might actually finish it this year. Here it is all bunched up by my sew...