Friday, August 18, 2017

Vacay ...

So, my husband and I are going on vacation, together.  We'll be going to Eagle Harbor Michigan, home of the tree.

Which I'm pretty sure looks exactly the same this year as it did last year.  We will be there to help my father enjoy his break -- from us.  Not quite sure how that works.  He's been there for two weeks without us, but now we're coming to spend the rest of his vacation with him and bring him home.

We stay at the Lake Breeze Resort.  They don't actually have a website, but this shows you the front of the hotel/resort/lodge/whatever.  When I googled "Lake Breeze", it came up as a haunted place.  Who knew? If I see/hear/experience anything like that, I'll be sure to report it here.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Mozarella ... #27

One of my goals this year was to make mozzarella cheese (#27 on the List).  So a couple of weeks ago we found a recipe, got the rennet and citric acid (order from Amazon) and then did nothing.  Last night, I finally decided to try it. 

I dissolved the citric acid in the water.

Dissolved 1/4 of a rennet tablet in water.

Poured an entire gallon of milk into a pan (and then added the citric acid/water) and cooked until it was about 90 degrees.

We then removed it from the heat, added, the rennet, stirred, covered and let it sit for 5 minutes ..
and then 5 more minutes, and then 5 more minutes.

It didn't look like the picture but it had been 15 minutes so I cut it as instructed anyway. and then cooked until it reached about 105 degrees.

After that, I microwaved it as instructed and kneaded it and here is what it looked like.

It tasted fine, but not the way I was hoping.  So we'll use another recipe and try again. 

The recipe made it seem like it would be soooo easy.  but no.  perhaps another recipe will be better.

July Wrap Up - August Goals

So here's how I did on last month's goals:

1 - make some quilt blocks -- I've made quite a few.  Here's a picture of some of them.

2 - start Nate's quilt - NOPE
3 - Couch to 5K - working on it.
4 - meet step goal more often than not (so at least 16 days) -- I only met my goal 13 days (:()
5 - start a biography - started on the first Churchill biography (listening)
6 - get souffle pan - Done

August goals:

1 - finish collar for OD
2 - finish Couch to 5K
3 - have 35K step day

Not only are we half way through the month, but I'm going on vacation for two weeks beginning this Friday, so I'll leave my goals as above...

Just the finishing the Couch to 5K program will be a huge accomplishment...

2025 Pics - January 12 thru 31

January 12 Jan. 13 - gotta love Snapxhat Jan 16 - hidden key Jan 17 - lunch with the kiddos Jan 17 - the deck Jan 18   Jan 19 - measuring up...