Sunday, July 11, 2021

Week 27 : July 2 - 8

July 2 - the view from the deck

July 3 - a snap

July 4 - patriotic cookie / pizza

July 5 - clean up

July 8 - sad puppy


Week 26 : June 25 - July 1


June 25 - me trying to be artsy-fartsy

June 27 - the view from the bedroom door

June 28 - wild turkey

June 30 - The bath

Week 25 : June 18 - 24


June 18 - Niagara Falls (U.S. side)

June 19 - Standing in Lake Ontario and more Niagara Falls

June 20 - the dining room

June 24 - Bella headed to Washington, D.C.

Week 24 : June 11 - 17

June 11 - car park

June 12 - cleaning house

June 13 - the view from the new house

June 16 - hanging in my new office
June 17 - Bella in Buffalo

Week 23 : June 4 - 10

June 5 - Guest bedroom (decorating ideas)

June 6 - shopping

June 8 - chillaxing

June 9 - ??? whatever you do -- don't tell her I posted this picture

June 10 - more chillaxing


Week 22 : May 28 - June 3


May 28 - artsy fartsy

May 29 - Holly (visiting with Nevada in Nevada)

May 30 - hanging out

May 31 - view from the porch (might be where we move)

June 1 - sour cream face

June 2 - homemade hutch

June 3 - living room

Things I've Been Up To

So today I worked on the Grinch quilt.  If I do a little everyday, I might actually finish it this year. Here it is all bunched up by my sew...