Sunday, September 4, 2016

Corn Chowder - Soup #8

I'm finally getting back to finishing up some of my "goals" for this year.  I made my first soup of the year, corn chowder.  Recipe from here.  I had had it on vacation and thought it would be a good one to make.  It was.

and in the pot ...

It was easy to make, fairly quick, and very tasty.  Will definitely do again ..

Along with the soup, I had some sauvignon blanc .. very nice.

and I definitely got wibbly wobbly .. it's a timey wimey thing you know.  

so wibbly wobbly I got the type of wine wrong ... fixed now!


Southern Gal said...

I've never had corn chowder. It looks delicious.

Kate said...

Drama Teen and I found out about corn chowder last year. It's become one of our favorite soups. Your version looks yummy.

February Made Me Shiver

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