Friday, July 16, 2010

Project 52, hmmm

I was reading one of my many blogs and found one that suggested having 52 date nights a year.  Spending one hour, one night a week with my husband doing something fun, nothing costly, just spending time together.  The rules are that you set aside the same time every week (obviously with life this is not a hard, fast rule but a guideline), stay home, spend less than $30, each partner is responsible for coming up with the idea of what to do two nights a month, no repeats in the same month.  Anyway, sounds like something worthwhile.  I'll have to ponder this.

I have been a real slacker of late.  I haven't been doing much of anything.  No laundry.  No cleaning.  No cooking.  No sewing.  No reading.  Just work (and that's because I have to).  No exercise.  I have been playing stupid computer games - bejeweled, mafia wars, farmville, and poker.  Just wasting time.

However, this is all about to change.  going to NY next week, then Minnesota, then Michigan (and then Indianapolis on the way home).  Just have to keep the energy up after the trip and not be bummed because it's over and won't happen again for so long ... you get the picture.

There is so much to do before the trip.

Here's what I need to buy:
backup hard drive for the computer (it's completely full of pictures)
new ballet-style shoes
new off-white dress shoes
new jeans (or repair the ones with the rip)
new shirt to wear for the "firm" dinner

Guess that's about it.  the back up drive is the most important.  I'll probably order that tomorrow and then figure out how to use it on Monday and clean up my computer so it'll be clear on Wednesday when we leave -- or I could go to Fry's and get one there ... no, Amazon is the way to go.

No new pics tonight, but here's a video ...

Here is Mikey running the bases at the San Jose Giants game we went to (he's the little one in red).  The camera work leaves much to be desired -- sorry about that.


Katie said...

Good luck with your date nights.

can't wait to see you in Minneapolis, Michigan and Indy. You shouldn't be disappointed it's over but joyful it happened.

cute video poor little mikey getting passed up by kids 4-6 times his age.

Rachel said...

I love the video - the way Mikey keeps getting distracted but also seems determined to do what all the big kids are doing...he is SO cute! I wish he was coming to MI...maybe next year????

February Made Me Shiver

I still don't remembered the January line. I thought it was from American Pie but that line is "February made me shiver, with eve...