Monday, November 17, 2014

15 Minutes to Stitch - Mid-Month Report

My sewing has been sporadic at best lately, but I'm hoping to shoot for 15 minutes a day or close to it for the next month.  I have a couple of projects that I need to work on but I'm discouraged by them and have stayed away from the sewing machine.  The first is this quilt ...

I made the first and third rows and was jazzed but when I added the second row, nothing lined up.  I measured correctly but they just didn't line up -- probably differing quality of fabrics.  So I put it down and did nothing for a few weeks.  I finally decided this past week to take the rows apart and sew them as blocks so I could adjust the size as I went along. The first night, I got the fabric out and looked at it and then put it away without doing anything. Then on Saturday, I finally did something.

I've done about twice this amount .. want to try and finish it by Thanksgiving.  We'll just have to see how that goes.

The other project is the Grinch quilt.  I really need to face my fears on that one.

I'm linking up with Kate at Life In Pieces to keep me accountable.


Southern Gal said...

15 minutes a day is a great goal! I drew out my pinwheel quilt just like that. Great minds and all...;)

Katie said...

Looks like gingham!

Shay said...

Unsewing is a discouraging process - but you got over that hurdle and now you can move forward. One step at a time! That being said I seem to be making a lot slower progress on my projects at the moment than I'd like...

Kate said...

Looks like you made good progress. It's hard to tackle those troubled projects. But if you just commit 15 minutes to those and then move on to something fun, they will eventually get done and you are less likely to get demotivated. At least it works that way for me.

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