Saturday, June 17, 2017

Saying Goodbye

I'm really not good at saying goodbye.  I hate it.

So anyway, my friend Nevada is moving out of the area to take a job with Amazon in Seattle.  Yay for her!  It's a wonderful opportunity and one that she would have been a fool to pass up.

She left yesterday -- to Seattle, by way of Nevada.

I am going to miss her so much.  I know we'll still do things together, but (obviously) it won't be the same.  We have spent so much time together over the past few years -- with cocktail Wednesdays, hikes on Saturday mornings, Doctor Who on Friday evenings, and plays, and concerts, and walking across bridges, and Gallifrey One ... and we've also been working together so there are lunches and walks and working late and leaving early ...

There are so many things that she introduced me to .. sushi, wine, Hamilton, Doctor Who .. to name a few.

Looks like I'm going to have to be traveling to Seattle .. can't be good-bye.  It'll have to be "see you later."

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

May Wrap Up - June Goals

Okay. So. My May goals were a total bust.  I didn't do any of them -- oh, except I made four blocks for the baby quilt.  

1 - Make quilt for Nate - Nope
2 - Work on baby quilt - barely
3 - Sew 15 minutes a day (3x week) - Ha
4 - Complete week 4 of couch to 5K - no way
5 - Meet step goal 3/7 days - not even close, only 6 times the entire month.
6 - Make a new bread (biscuits) - No :(

So let's make a better effort for June ...

1 - Start quilt for Nate
2 - Work on baby quilt (8 more blocks)
3 - Do couch to 5K - no promises on how far I get
4 - Meet step goal 3/7 days
5 - Make a new bread
6 - Make blue elephant(s)

I've been working on getting on the treadmill regularly - I'm shooting for 3 days a week, but no promises there.  I also am trying to have a "no bread" and a "no sugar" day each week.  If they work, I'll expand to more days.

Here's a picture of the blue elephants that I've cut out .. now to make them.

2024 : Week 29 : July 15 - July 21

July 16 - Poor Charlie July 19 - Hanging with Rowie   July 20 - Cousins July 20