Friday, August 18, 2017

Vacay ...

So, my husband and I are going on vacation, together.  We'll be going to Eagle Harbor Michigan, home of the tree.

Which I'm pretty sure looks exactly the same this year as it did last year.  We will be there to help my father enjoy his break -- from us.  Not quite sure how that works.  He's been there for two weeks without us, but now we're coming to spend the rest of his vacation with him and bring him home.

We stay at the Lake Breeze Resort.  They don't actually have a website, but this shows you the front of the hotel/resort/lodge/whatever.  When I googled "Lake Breeze", it came up as a haunted place.  Who knew? If I see/hear/experience anything like that, I'll be sure to report it here.


Quiltblocksandmore said...

It looks like a beautiful place to rest. Enjoy!

Kate said...

Hope you are having a wonderfully restful and relaxing vacation.

Southern Gal said...

It's the tree!!Hope it was a lovely vacation.

February Made Me Shiver

I still don't remembered the January line. I thought it was from American Pie but that line is "February made me shiver, with eve...