Monday, February 14, 2022


The past several years my niece has participated in the 100 Day Project and this year I thought I would join in.  It's basically 100 days of ...

The idea is simple: choose a creative project, do it every single day for 100 days, and share your process on social using the hashtag #The100DayProject.

I had initially thought I would do a quilt block a day but realized that would be just too difficult.  I got my idea from one of the blogs I follow - Life in Pieces.  She and her family are doing a photo challenge and using these photo idea cards and I think they are really cool, so I'm copying.

So for 100 days, I'm going to take pictures, and post them on Instagram, using the idea cards.  There are only 72 cards but I figure I can start doing repeats after I go through them once.


It started on Feb. 13.  So far I've been able to keep up. The pictures will end up in my daily pics here but will also be posted daily on Instagram. Another thing for my list.


Katie said...

It will be great! I forgot to start mine and then did but forgot to post. So I started late.

Kate said...

We've enjoyed the photo challenge, but some are those cards are real head scratchers. Looking forward to seeing what you post.

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