Sunday, May 30, 2010

Quilts, shoulders, and posting

I haven't posted for over a week, but I think I'm still within the week so that's okay, right?

Anyway, I had shoulder surgery on May 21st, as I'm sure those of you who read this know.  I was pretty out of it until the 28th, I think... I had my follow up doctor visit and physical therapy that day.  It still hurts but each day I am able to do more with my right arm.  I'm weaning myself off pain pills.  I'm hoping that after I'm recovered all the pain will be gone, for good.

Now to quilts.  I read a couple of blog posts today about modern quilts and the process and what constitutes a modern quilt.  I'm a beginning quilter so I don't even know what a modern quilt is or what the difference is between a modern or a contemporary quilt. I don't know the history of quilts. I don't know much about quilts, period.  I don't know that I want to know either.  I do know that I enjoy making them.  So, why am I even commenting on this? I don't know -- but I guess it's that I get upset when I feel like I have to defend something I enjoy doing. and maybe I shouldn't take it personally, and maybe the post was supposed to be encouraging, but for me, it wasn't.  Like the time I read about what constitutes a good blog.

However, the post or a related post (I'm not sure which) was encouraging quilting bloggers to blog more about the whole quilting process, beginning with the thought, the design (a scribble in a notebook perhaps), selecting fabrics, the sewing process, and then the finished quilt.  rather than just the finished quilt and a brief description of the process.


Anonymous said...

Aunt Sarah gave Ruth a Red & White Quilt made by her mother (?). If I can find it I will send a picture. If you like it we will give it to you.

Katie said...

I didn't know you had surgery - hopefully you are feeling better soon. hugs and smiles

thea said...

Thanks. I'd love the quilt.

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