Tuesday, October 26, 2010


So I felt like cooking this weekend (an amazing thing all by itself) and I made soup on Saturday and Sunday.  Saturday was butternut squash soup which was delicious.

I also baked bread - Olney Ale House bread.  I may have made this once before but it's been at least 20 years ... so I'm counting this as completing #35 on my list.  It turned out okay, not great.  (Note to self: need another bread recipe.)

Then on Sunday I made chicken tortilla soup which turned out okay -- I tried a different recipe than the one I had before and I'll keep this one at least until I find a better one.  Maybe I can just add to it and make it better (is that allowed???).

My cousin Stephen was over - he works for Apple (headquarters in Cupertino) and is out here doing some software testing. 

Here he is at dinner with Mark.  After dinner we went to Paul's to watch some football.

I also did some quilting for which I'll post pictures later when Katie says I can.

and Happy Birthday Paul! he turned 30 today.  He was born on a Sunday .. we watched Saturday Night Live at Aunt Bunny's house (without any heat) waiting for the contractions to be close enough to go to the hospital....

... tomorrow is Michael's 24th birthday .. I'll wish him a happy b-day tomorrow.

If I were on top of things, I'd post the picture of Paul's 6th birthday party .. actually it's a picture of Paul and our friend Dale Brubaker doing the dishes which always makes me smile!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Where are the recipes? We can't make your soup without recipes? You can post my square anytime you want - it's not supposed to be a secret.

2024 : Week 28 : July 8 - July 14

July 9 July 10 July 12 July 13  They've got some big buns in SC June 14 My OGS (oldest grandson) turns 16!!  He's the one on the far...