Friday, September 2, 2011

Favorite Things Friday

Today's favorite is not so much a favorite as something I like .. to see other people's favorites check out Quilting in My Pyjamas or link up and share one of your own.

Anyway, my favorite today is pretzels.  They are the best snack.  They are almost healthy and if you add something else they can be divine ..

yogurt covered pretzels (image from here)

chocolate covered pretzels (image from here)

honey mustard flavored pretzels (image from here)

big ones (image from here)

little ones (image from here)


Kate said...

Hard to go wrong with chocolate covered pretzels. Great FTF.

Baa-Me Kniits said...

I have only ever seen the plain ones....thank goodness we don't get the chocolate ones here I think they would be my undoing!! :-)

Larri said...

I LOVE much that I usually have to have a chat with myself about buying more than one bag at the grocery. LOL I've been known to pick up a bag of melting chocolates and cover my own. Quick and Yummy snack. ☺

Fabulous Favourite, Thea. Happy FTF!

Shay said...

We're not so fancy schmancy here with our pretzels..I've never seen coated ones.You guys have lots of things there we dont get here ....

I like massive fresh warm salt covered pretzels. Delicious.

Marg said...

I'v only had the little ones, I've seen the bigger ones but never tried them. I've never seen the coated ones either. I agree you have way more choices there than we do here.

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