Saturday, June 2, 2012


I posted about a blanket I made for my new grandson here, but didn't post a picture.  A friend requested I post a picture, so here it is.

The fabric is a type of minkee and the binding was pre-made and sewn on.  I learned a few things.  1) don't sew the fabrics together on the reverse side; just on the front; 2) sew more slowly (I didn't); 3) sew all the way to each edge, so that the corners lay nicely together.  It turned out okay, but the next one (if I make another) will be better.

Oh and here's another $1 item for my list. I want to make the top.

We'll see.


Kate said...

The blanket looks great. Love the color.

Shay said...

I dont think your grandson will mind. He'll just love the softness of the minkee and the fact his Nanna made it for him. It looks wonderful!

I havent bought an item for a buck in ages.

Peggy said...

Oh, that blanket looks so cozy!

Sara said...

Was the pattern second hand? The cheapest patterns in Australia are $5, and I picked 4 of them from the book the other day only to be told they were all sold out. Most of them are in the $15-20 range here, which is why I usually just make patterns up as I go along. Jealous :)

2024 : Week 28 : July 8 - July 14

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