Monday, December 2, 2013

Elephants on Parade

I finished the pink elephant quilt.  Now I just need to wash it and ship it off.

I like the way this has come together. It's a lot of pink, which I hope is okay.  I love the back too.  I used scraps, but I hope it looks planned and not too scrappy.


Southern Gal said...


Kirsten said...

This is so cute! I love it!

Katie said...

I like the back could be my favorite part.

Peggy said...

Oh, how pretty! And the back definitely looks planned!

Anna said...

this is a great quilt and I love the way it all matches and isn't random.

Shay said...

Love, love , love it. It's so cute! That simple quilting looks fabulous and just highlights all that yummy pink. And those elephants - oh my!

Kate said...

Love the pink elephants. It turned out beautifully (front and back)!

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