Tuesday, September 8, 2015

August Update / September Goals

So these were my goals for August:
  1. start quilt for Nathaniel
  2. organize closet
  3. organize sewing area better (clean up the rest of the room)
  4. clean garage
  5. make two soups
  6. make two breads
  7. start quilts for YD and YD's friend(s)
  8. get caught up on blog posts
I organized my closet and started on one of the quilts for YD.  not so good.

So here's September
  1. start quilt for Nathaniel
  2. organize linen closet
  3. organize sewing area
  4. clean garage
  5. make two soups
  6. make two breads
  7. finish quilts for YD and YD's friend(s)
  8. get caught up on blog posts
I'm thinking that I need to get back to the 15 minutes a day in the sewing room and then I'll be able to accomplish some of these goals.

I basted one of the quilts for #7 yesterday.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Some months things just don't happen. Good luck with this month's goals.

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