Sunday, January 1, 2017

The LIST for 2017

Here is the list for this year.  I finished so few of my "goals" last year that a ton of this year's are going to be "finish ..." or "complete..."  

1. Take a trip with Nevada
2. Visit Yosemite
3. Finish the Couch to 5K program - DONE (finished right before trip to Michigan)
4. Visit the East Coast
5. Make a souffle - DONE!
6. Continue with the 12 biographies (11 to go) ...
7. Finish Grinch quilt
8. Finish making Dalek costume - Done! (didn't blog about it when it was finished, but did wear it at Gallifrey One)

9. Complete Round Robin blog - finished March 24, 2017
10. Trip to Wales?
11. Blog more than last year (not too hard since I only posted 67 times in 2016) DONE (79 in 2017)
12. Go on 6 dates with my husband.
13. Make 6 new breads (maybe even use the bread maker I got from Nevada)(can include scones, biscuits, etc.)
14. Make curtains for the little boys' room
15. Make a 5-year plan
16. Take a road trip
17. Attend a local art and wine festival - DONE
18. Plant thyme, basil, and mint (Done - except it might be Rosemary instead of Thyme)
19. Make/plant a garden with tomatoes, peppers, squash and some other things - Done
20. Go to lunch with someone I haven't seen for a while
21. Make a family photo calendar - DONE
22. Cook something with grandson(s)
23. Try a new ethnic food
24. Try one new recipe a month
25. Take 6 new hikes (#1 Almaden Quicksilver County Park; #2 Sycamore Grove Park; #3 Garin Regional Park; #4 Point Isabel; #5 Stevens Creek County Park; #6 Estivant Pines
26. Make doughnuts
27. Make mozzarella cheese - attempted.  Will try again.
28. One Second Every Day Project - Done
29. Record Story Corps interviews with the boys - DONE
30. Have a 35,000 step day - DONE!
31. Walk 1200 fitbit miles - Done
32. Fondue (have at home or out) -- not just chocolate
33. Do barrel tasting at Raymond - Done
34. Make 6 different ice creams/sorbets/yogurt - 1, 2, 3 - Strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla
35. Watch original Star Wars trilogy
36. Make 6 quilts
37. Make elephant stuffed animal - DONE
38. Clean garage - DONE
39. Have a blind wine tasting party - DONE (Nevada's going away party)
40. Try 3 new restaurants
41. Go to a major league baseball game -- A's, O's, Giants, Nats? - NOPE - BB Season is OVER
42. Go to a museum
43. Visit Nevada (the state)
44. Go to a minor league baseball game - NOPE - BB Season is OVER
45. Take a walk on a beach - DONE, Michigan
46. Make pillow cases for me
47. Make the perfect French Fries
48. Try a new hair color ... DONE - red, going grey
49. Finish watching new Who
50. Get another Night Before Christmas - done
51. Have a 100,000 step week - DONE (8/20-26/17)
52. Make a list for 2018

and as always, get healthier, i.e., exercise more, eat better (and less).


Katie said...

Oh you are on it lady! I am like 30 items off still on my list. I also think that I need to have "easy" items. What color are you going to dye your hair I am interested to see that!

Kate said...

That's quite a list! Looking forward to you blogging about all of your fun stuff for 2017.

2024 : Week 28 : July 8 - July 14

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