Hard to believe the year is half over. I need to review the "list" and see where I stand and what things I need to start working on.
First - here are things that I'm doing okay with -- working on:
3. Finish my WIPs (Grinch, Nate's Quilt, Quilt-along, ...) --
I finished the baby clothes quilt and am just about done quilting Nate's Quilt. Next I'll probably work on the Grinch quilt.
13. Blog twice a week : doing okay with this.
14. Send Birthday cards to my children and grandchildren -- on track so far!
16. Try something new/different each month : not doing great with this. I need to come up with things that I really want to do.
18. Birthday blog posts : not always on time, but I'm doing them.
24. 1SE (one second everyday) project : getting most days. (though there are a lot of cat pictures to fill it)
25. Work on decluttering : I need to get back to this.
32. 1400 Fitbit miles
40. Put money in emergency fund : working on this, but I'll need to use it if I don't get a job.
The following are things I'm thinking I might be able to accomplish this summer.
5. Knit a blanket for grandchild #5
8. Travel to Arizona
9. StoryCorps interviews with grandsons
10. Complete "Couch to 5K" (at least once)
11. Get headboards for beds.
17. Replace grill and hubcaps on my car
20. Make a dessert souffle
23. Road trip
28. Go to Nevada with Nevada??
34. Make pillowcases for me
36. Make malted waffles
37. Make doughnuts
38. Organize sewing room
39. Cover living room pillows
43. Go to the beach
So, we've almost made it through the grandchildren birthday season. There's one more in July (on Bastille Day) and then we get a break, but of course, my children have birthdays: first my OD's birthday is in August and then there are five from Oct 1 to November 5... and then the holiday season.is in full force.
Where does the time go?