Saturday, February 8, 2020


I don't really think I'm a hoarder, but I have a hard time throwing stuff away ... and I love stuff that has memories attached.  My sister sent me the following items that were my mothers this week.


What's not to love .. there was a piece missing so I'll have to replace that, if I want to use this next year.

Then there are the wooden birthday cake candle holders that I remember being used when I was little.  I love these ...

these ones, not so much ..

She also sent these little finger puppets .. I don't remember my mom having these, but she was a prolific knitter so it makes sense that she would have these.

 I wish I had been with my sisters when they went through the rest of the stuff at my parents' house. 


Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What fun things - my grandma used to have that angel candle thing as well - I remember it on top of cakes....

Katie said...

I sent the finger puppets. I don’t think they were from your moms house. I found them at Litas house when packing and for some reason i thought you had a finger puppet collection (but that could have been someone else).

Kate said...

I remember someone in the family having something similar to the angel chimes. That first set of candle holders is pretty cute. Sometimes it's hard to know what to keep and what not to keep. My mother's already said we can throw it all away when she's gone. She's already passed on the important things to who she wanted to have them.

February Made Me Shiver

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