Sunday, June 21, 2020

Blueberry Scones

We are still living under the Shelter In Place order.  On the weekends, partly because of the SIP order and partly because we're still living with my YD and her family, I am so bored.  I'm sure I shouldn't say that, but I am. At home I would be sewing or cleaning or gardening or something, but here it's not the same.  (I cleaned the kitchen last weekend so I can't do that again.)

Anyway, yesterday, in my state of boredom, I decided to make scones.  I hadn't made them before so I pulled this recipe from King Arthur flour

They are tasty, but are pretty thin.  I think it was because I ended up processing the dough a little too much.  They smelled great.  I will definitely try these again.


Katie said...

Sorry you are bored - i probably would be except some things have opened like playgrounds and i am still unboxing although i have about 10
Boxes left. Maybe start a hand sewing project! English paper piecing. I have a friend who’s using her old business cards as templates rather than hexies or other cut pieces.

Kate said...

Sorry for the boredom. They lifted stay at home orders in our state over a month ago and now cases are rising quickly. So it's not fun either way. Hope things turn around soon.

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