Friday, July 3, 2020

Cheesy Bread Re-do

So, we're on vacation - sort of - in Arizona this week.  We rented an Airbnb, with a pool in the back yard, in the same town as my YS and his family.  We drove down last Saturday and have been hanging out at the house all week long.  The kids have been over every day. 

The "sort of" vacation was because I worked all week (Monday thru Thursday).  It was okay; would have been great except that I screwed up on something which tends to get me down.  It's weird, since I'm working remotely, I can work just about anywhere.  It was harder here because of the extra family around.

Anyway, we decided to make the Jalapeno Cheddar Bread again.  Recipe from

The great thing about making bread in Arizona in the summer is that to get the bread to rise, all you have to do is put it outside .. no warmed up oven.  Crazy! It worked even better than I would have expected.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Glad you were able to get away for a few days even if you did have to work. I'm in the same boat, took a week of vacation, ended up working 2 days of it. The bread turned out beautifully!

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