Sunday, April 4, 2021

Before and After ..

This is what our house looked like when we first bought it.  I barely remember the tree in the front yard -- its roots ruined the water pipes so we had to replace the pipes and remove the tree.  Our neighbors must have had a tree as well, but that's gone too.


This picture was taken several years ago when we were trying to sell our house.  Our agent didn't do a very good job with the pictures (all the before pictures were ones that he had taken to sell our house). He also didn't do a very good job with telling us what we needed to do to make the house appealing.  


This is what it looks like now.  We need to do some work on the yard, but we're getting there.

Master bedroom BEFORE -- notice the cords on the floor and all the clutter.  Why didn't he tell us to clean it up? Why didn't I think to clean it up?

Master bedroom #1 AFTER

Here's a shot of the kitchen BEFORE.  The counters look pretty good in this shot but they were tile and I hated them.  Lousy for making bread and really had to keep clean.

Kitchen AFTER.  The second shot is from a similar angle as the BEFORE picture.

Kitchen (professional shot)

Family room BEFORE.

Family room AFTER (professional shots)

Hall bathroom BEFORE.

Hall bathroom AFTER.

2nd master bath AFTER

Dining room BEFORE.

Dining room AFTER (professional shots)



Katie said...

Looks so good! How is there a window in the hall bathroom? Also is mark in the master now?

Kate said...

Wow! Very nice remodel. Hope you are enjoying all the changes.

February Made Me Shiver

I still don't remembered the January line. I thought it was from American Pie but that line is "February made me shiver, with eve...