Friday, April 23, 2021

Week 15 : April 9 - 15


April 9 - an empty living room

April 10 - sewing stuff

April 11 - Happy Anniversary!

April 12 - construction begins (at YD's house)

 April 14 - gotta love snapchat

April 15 - staged and ready for showing


Katie said...

Wait are you moving too?

Southern Gal said...

I was visiting old posts on my blog and clicked to see who was still blogging. You are one of the few! I don't know if I will get back into blogging. I've made my blog private, but maybe one day. Good to catch up a little.

February Made Me Shiver

I still don't remembered the January line. I thought it was from American Pie but that line is "February made me shiver, with eve...