Thursday, December 9, 2010

Favorite Things Friday

One of my favorite things is collecting.  I have to work hard at not collecting everything.  Right now I have a few collections -- jars (I only have a few because I don't want to pay more than $1-$2 for them), Judy Bolton books (like Nancy Drew but not nearly as popular), finger puppets, pitchers, and my favorite collection this time of year, The Night Before Christmas.  I have about 30 different copies of the Night Before Christmas. 

This is one of my favorites -- You can't tell by looking at it but it's a really cool pop-up!

(Another one of my favorite things is reading quilting blogs .. I got favorite things friday from here.)


Paulette said...

It's fascinating to me what people collect. Your Night Before Christmas collection is a colorful one. I bet that pop-up book has fabulous graphics!

Larri said...

I have that Jan Brett version as well as the one I kept from my childhood (though I don't remember whose version of Night Before Christmas it is). Love your collection. Thanks for sharing. Happy FTF! :o)

Unknown said...

Gee I only collect dust! And that doesn't leave much room for anything else!
My daughter informed me that after years of collecting Santas, must be 20 years at least, that she is finished with that and has culled out about half of them...donated to the local church for their bazaar!

Sarcastic Quilter said...

I think this is fun and thankfully, I'm not the only one that has one particular book/story that they collect in several forms. For me, it's Pride and Prejudice. I don't know why I want these different prints of the same story but I do. Glad you're there with me! :D

I can't imagine a Jane Austin pop-up exists, though, or if it did it wouldn't be nearly as cool as your pop-up!

Katie said...

Super fun idea! I collect craft supplies, vintage pryex, shoes, pressed pennies - I think that's it - surprisingly I'm not much of a collector.

Anonymous said...

As luck would have it the pitcher was not on its usual place, so a search is on. G27

Michelle said...

I would have never considered collecting different versions of the same story. While I'm not really much of a collector myself, I can see where that would be fascinating.

Shay said...

I love that you collect copies of that one book. That is just awesome. I want to collect copies of a book too now!

I just bought that book for Little P too. I was planning on making it a tradition to read it to him Christmas Eve every year until he tells me to stop. (Hopefully when he's about 15)

I collect juicers/reamers. Glass, China and plastic ones. I think I have about 30.

I loved your FTF this week Thea. Seriously fantastic!

Marg said...

A great collection, I didn't realise there were that many different copies. It's a great story and it looks like they have some fabulous illustrations.

Elizabeth said...

I only have two versions of A Night Before Christmas (the Jan Brett is one of them), but I love it and am envious of your collection of 30. You could read a different one every night from Thanksgiving until Christmas. Awesome! Maybe I'll have to start collecting too. Great FTF! Thanks for sharing!

xo -El

Kate said...

It's a great book to collect, it's one of my favorite stories too.

Shruti said...

I love to collect wine bottle corks... Every time we open a bottle, i rush to get a permanent marker and write down the date, occassion on the cork and add it to my collection... We do not drink that oftn so my collection is not a big one, but I love it...

2024 Status Update

Here's a recap of how I did with my last year's goals ,  I only had 48 items on my list last year and I skipped #16, so there were o...