Friday, October 28, 2011

Favorite Things Friday

My favorite this week is being home.  I've searched my computer and picasa for a picture of home, but couldn't find one, so let's just leave it at that.

I was in Las Vegas last weekend and two weeks before that in Indianapolis.  I had a good time in both places but "there's no place like home".

So if you want to see other favorites, click here and go to Quilting in My Pyjamas .. or link up and share your favorite. 


Helsie said...

Yes, you're right about that. As soon as I'm in the door I kick off my shoes, get into comfy clothes and turn on the kettle for a cuppa!

Marg said...

A great favourite Thea, there is definitely no place like home.

Petra said...

Home is a special place! I love that pic!

Kate said...

I agree, there is no place like home. I love the image you chose to illustrate your point.

Angie in SoCal said...

Love those shoes, Dorothy!

Paulette said...

I think you found the perfect picture. I matter how much fun I have while traveling, it's always good to come home. The laundry is another thing. :)

Shay said...

I used to have a pair of flat red shoes that sparkled like that...

I agree ..there is no place like home especially after travelling!

Larri said...

Absolutely a fabulous favorite! Home is my favorite place to be too. ☺

PS...Being a Kansas girl, I adore the Dorothy shoes. Happy FTF!

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