Wednesday, October 5, 2011

15 Minute Challenge - Oct 4

Tuesday - crashed on the couch
Wednesday - crashed on the couch
Thursday - four "out of time" blocks
Friday - nothing
Saturday - nothing
Sunday - eight "out of time" blocks
Monday - planned quilt back*

Another disappointing week.  I had planned to spend a lot of time on Sunday, but ended up just lazing around most of the day.  Watched a lot of football; took a nap.  I think I need a shot of motivation.

I think I might be a day late this week with the challenge, but to see what other people have been up to, check out Life in Pieces..

*Katie is letting me help her with a quilt .. I get to make the back.  She sent me the fabric and I get to put it together.  I hope she likes what I'm doing.  Anyway, worked on it tonight .. almost finished it.  Will post a picture when I get the "okay" from Katie.


Shay said...

I think I have 15 of those hourglass blocks done now..I didn't do any this week. Since we're both at about the same stage what do you say we commit to doing 10 minimum per week until they're all done. I only have 49 to go!

I didnt know Katie made quilts. I want to see the back!

Kate said...

Three days is still better then none. Sometimes you have to rest before you can do great things.

Thanks for linking up.

seabreezequilts said...

We all have weeks like that maybe next week will see you getting motivated.

Peggy said...

Isn't it easy to keep on doing nothing once we start!!! Christmas is coming - is that enough motivation? LOL

Katie said...

Letting you help! I desperately needed your help with it. THANK YOU! I think it's safe to post pictures. Schreve and A barely read my blog I doubt they will be checking in on yours before their wedding.

Thanks again! Can't wait to see it.

Marg said...

Most of my week was the same as yours. One day of doing something, in 7 days I suppose it is better than nothing.

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