Sunday, December 23, 2012

Two more days ..

and two more sleeps.  and how am I doing?  I feel like I'm doing okay, though I am a total grinch around the house.  I think I've got realistic goals for the next few days.  I not only finished my shopping yesterday, but I also wrapped all the gifts.  I can now focus on the sewing projects I have.  I'm really hoping to knock them out today.  If I do, then I can relax tomorrow.

This is a picture of a gift from one of my co-workers.

well here's how my last week's list looks.

1 - bake 6 more loaves of cinnamon bread
2 - make breakfast casseroles
3 - get someone else to make fruit salad
4 - get bacon (4 lbs), cook bacon
5 - get chafing dishes
6 - orange juice
7 - get white elephant gift (+ one extra in case someone forgets)

binding on Cooper's quilt - more than half way done!
work on twisted quilt (after Christmas)
Christmas shopping - done
make stocking for Cooper
make other stockings (didn't I have four I needed to make from last year?)
make crayon holders
bake more bread (for other friends, Caro's family)
plan Christmas Eve and Christmas day foods
- done


Shay said...

That list of yours is getting smaller and smaller. Way to go. I wish someone would name a wine after me .

It's Christmas Eve here and I just know that its going to be a crazy day . I have a million things to get done !(but Ive finished wrapping my presents too !)

Shay said...

That list of yours is getting smaller and smaller. Way to go. I wish someone would name a wine after me .

It's Christmas Eve here and I just know that its going to be a crazy day . I have a million things to get done !(but Ive finished wrapping my presents too !)

Kate said...

Wow, you have a lot done. I finished wrapping yesterday. Today is goof off until time to go to church.

Have a very Merry Christmas!

Between Me and You said...

Hello Thea - I must apologise for not letting you know that the Delightful Bunny Known As Lucy had arrived safely but have had other things going on over here!!!I wonder if you can guess what??!!Thank you so much for the lovely little card which you included in Lucy's package.
Many Celtic Blessings to You and Yours for this coming Festive Season.
Merry Christmas, Thea.x

February Made Me Shiver

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