Tuesday, March 19, 2013

15 Minute Challenge

Tonight I am coming to the end of my very, very long weekend (six days to be exact).  I was hoping to get lots of sewing done and various other things as well.  I did sew for several hours on three of the six days, but that was all the sewing done this weekend. 

Today was a complete sewing bust as I watched my grandsons. I learned that I can handle just about seven hours and then I need a break; unfortunately, I was needed for almost nine hours.  Fortunately, my husband came home at 7.5 hours and relieved me.  I don't know how I ever did it with five kids .. of course, I was much younger then. I suppose that if I did it every day, it might become "easier" or perhaps I would get used to it. Let's hope I don't have to find out.

So anyway, here's how my week went.

tuesday - ??
wednesday - ??
thursday - got zippers, etc., worked on KP
friday - made pillowcases and cushion covers.
saturday -finished binding on  Blue Elephants
sunday -finished KP
monday - nothing

Here are some pics of the Blue Elephant quilt. I'm very pleased with it except for the part where the binding isn't right.  I'm still trying to decide if I should re-do the binding in that area.

So, in keeping with Kate's theme this month, what do you all think.  Should I fix the binding (that I probably should have fixed before I washed the quilt)?

Pop on over to Kate's 15 Minute Challenge to see how others did this week.


Shay said...

That quilt is going to get a lot of loving .Probably exactly the same amount of loving whether you fix it or not . I say leave it alone. It was made with love -even the bit you dont love !

I can hold out for about 10 hours with Little P - and then I collapse!

Peggy said...

Well, not sure where the binding went wrong, but sure looks good to me! As they say, stampeding horses won't see it, so why worry about it!

Marti said...

I can't see any problems, it looks great to me. But I realize I'm not there. Without seeing the problem spot, I'd say this, if the binding spot is done so it will come undone, or it draws attention to that spot, I'd redo it. If not, I wouldn't. I love the big polka dots border and the smaller polka dots binding. The busy-ness of the binding would seem to cover any flaws.

Harriett said...

What a darling quilt. I don't see any binding problems.

make.share.give said...

I've looked several times but can't see where the binding's not right. If you're like me- you may be the only one that notices, but it will bug you if you don't fix it.

Kate said...

I don't see where you messed up the binding, so I my vote would be no. But if it really, really bugs you, then fix it.

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