So, I've been really bad about posting and even worse about commenting on the blogs I follow. I think about a month and a half ago, the bottom row on my keyboard (on my laptop) started acting up. It would work sometimes and not others. It was super annoying, but I was able to get by, albeit a little frustrated. I would get half way through a post or a comment and it would stop working. So I would just give up. Then a few weeks ago or so, my home row stopped working as well. As you can imagine, it was next to impossible to type.
So, I went to the Apple store to see if I could get a wireless keyboard and just keep using my computer. It was a fairly inexpensive way to work around the problem. My computer could see the keyboard but it didn't want to work with it. I planned to make an appointment and go back to the store and have the Apple people help me figure it out. I also figured that if that didn't work, I could try using a keyboard plugged into the USB port. Again, a fairly inexpensive way around my problem.
However, neither of those things happened .. my YD and my OD started asking me questions about which computer I would want to buy, so I decided to hold off on making any purchases. I wasn't sure where they were going with their questions, but I had a pretty good idea.
To make a long story short, my wonderful family (my father, my husband, my sons and my daughters) got me a computer for my birthday. So, instead of fumbling around with a makeshift solution, I have a brand spanking new MacBook Air!!
I am so excited to be able to type all the words I want .. and it's light and easy and great!!
Thank you..
Now, I have no excuses for not commenting on your blogs. I promise I'll be much better about it.