Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Potsticker Adventure

While my husband was in Maryland/Virginia, taking my father back to his house and spending time with his his mother, my aunt and uncle, my cousins, and various other folks, my cousin (Stephen) was out here visiting his girlfriend and I had the privilege of spending time with them. 

Stephen and Ghina

We spent the first hour or so hanging out at the pool (no pictures) and then went back to her house and made potstickers. Some were made with homemade dough -- others with the store-bought wrappers.


I would say that WE made them, but this is what I was doing while everyone else was making the potstickers.

My cousin's niece (aka, my first cousin, once removed) and her boyfriend who joined us for the cooking.  Turns out she lives about 30 miles from us.  Now that we've had a potsticker bonding experience, maybe we'll see more of her.

 My YD and her boyfriend were also there.  They really enjoyed making the potsickers.

Crabs and clams to go with the potstickers!!

Yummy!  Yummy!


Southern Gal said...

Now I want to try potstickers, especially with crabs and clams.

Katie said...

Looks like fun. I hope they were yummy

Shay said...

I love that you supervised with a glass of wine!

Those potstickers look seriously. I was impressed when I saw them on your last post but now I see you had expert tutelage!

Anna said...

You had so much fun cooking! I love pot stickers!

Kate said...

Looks like you picked the right job.

Marg said...

I love pot stickers too. Looks like you all had a fun time.

Kirsten's Cooking said...

That looks fabulous!!!

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