Monday, October 19, 2015

Bread (#4 Molasses Bread) and Soup (#2 Chicken Soup)

I'm very behind on my bread and soup making this year so today I made one of each.

First the bread.  We had dinner at Black Angus (a steak place) on Friday night.  They have delicious bread.  I looked up a copycat recipe, here.

Quite tasty.  I didn't put the oatmeal on like they do at Black Angus. this is how it's supposed to look.

The recipe I used said to bake at 375 for 60 minutes.  I baked the first batch for 50 minutes and it was well done.  The next batch was almost burned.  For the final batch, I decreased the temp to 350 and it seemed to do okay.

And then I made a soup, recipe from here.  Actually, I made the soup first.

It's called the Best Chicken Soup Ever, and it was good and easy.

I didn't modify the recipe except to double it because it didn't seem like it'd be enough otherwise.  It tasted like a chicken tortilla soup, without the tortillas. (so I added tortillas and sour cream).  A definite do over.  I got the recipe from Katie's blog.  I get some of my best ideas from her.

Re-looking at her picture of the soup, it appears she added rice.  probably a good call.  next time.


Katie said...

So the bread was good? I had such horrible luck baking my breads

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Looks yummy - I made a Steak soup this week - it must be in the air ;-)

Kate said...

Good looking bread loaves. We've been trying new crop pot recipes, nothing stellar yet. I'll have to try the soup recipe as I really like chicken tortilla soup.

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