Friday, June 22, 2018

Report Cards .. from 1899

I don't remember if I mentioned it, but my one of my cousins recently sent me some letters between my grandparents during the war.  I assumed WWII but was wrong -- they are from WWI.  I guess I should have known -- my grandfather was in the army in WWI. 

Anyway, back to the story.  I have this shoe box of old letters that I'm slowly going through and scanning.  I'll put them on my other blog, or somewhere, in case anyone wants to read them.

There are also some other random items in this box.  Among the random items I found these:

My grandfather's report cards from 1st through 9th grades. He started first grade in 1899.  Isn't it crazy that they had to get parent signatures on the report cards even back then.  and how cool is it to have my great-grandparents signatures on those report cards.

If I were doing a "Favorite Things Friday", this would be it.


Kate said...

Oooh, that is pretty cool. I think there is a school book floating around some place with all of mine. Better not let the SIT find them, she'll think mom was a slacker (which she probably was).

Katie said...

His grades were all so high! Let’s not compare to mine

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