Monday, September 23, 2019

The Wedding After The Derby

I'm way behind on my posts this year ... the week after the Derby, my nephew got married.  The wedding was in Virginia so we were almost there when we left Louisville.

The venue was a barn built by my brother-in-law for the occasion.  

The weather was iffy (calling for rain) so they brought the ceremony indoors.  Here's the trellis, made by my nephew, under which they were married.

The cousins, together.  Four of my five children were able to make it.  so that was nice.  I don't think we got any pictures of us together -- but I'm not sure.

The favors on the table were smores in boxes (which my daughters and I worked on putting together).  A very cute idea.  (They had a campfire after the wedding and ate most of them.)

My YD .. last minute bridesmaid...

My brother-in-law, Will Mackabee and my husband's mother (Nana or Mom or Helen Deaver Wagner)

My sister-in-law Terri, another sister-in-law Debra, and brother-in-law Larry, with my two daughters and my YD's husband.
Again, the two girls, my SIL, and brother-in-law Larry ...

This is Stephanie (another sister-in-law), our niece Allison and husband Chris.

Another picture of Will and Nana (who turned 94 this summer).

My middle son, watching....

My husband and MS ...

The bride and groom entering the reception ...

and their first dance ...

We had a great time.  a wonderful end to our vacation .. the derby, family, and then a wedding.  What more could you ask for??


Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

what a gorgeous bride and fmaily!! and a perfect location!!! I sorta want a barn like that!!!

Kate said...

Very fun pictures! Looks like a great fun for the whole family.

February Made Me Shiver

I still don't remembered the January line. I thought it was from American Pie but that line is "February made me shiver, with eve...